Recent content by Gus900

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  1. G

    Yet another chisel thread

    I use a trad wooden mallet on the Richters but am not afraid to give them a proper wallop when needed
  2. G

    Yet another chisel thread

    I splurged the cash on a set of Narex Richter chisels to replace the cheap set I bought when I started out. They are beautiful. Not cheap but good value and I expect them to last a lifetime.
  3. G

    Making large wooden garage door

    Pete - I made these doors for my workshop a couple of years ago with 14 mm dominos, they have held up allright so far. The top and mid rails are 50 mm, the bottom one and brace 33-ish, all made from C24. Birdsmouth on the brace as per Bradshaw joinery, iirc
  4. G

    Workshop paint for interior ply lining

    A mix of Screwfix own brand gloss floor varnish and white emulsion worked for me. Oops, too late. I see you've placed the order
  5. G

    Cost difference between S4S and rough hardwoods

    Afraid not, I make far too many mistakes.
  6. G

    Cost difference between S4S and rough hardwoods

    I am currently using a Makita nb2012 thicknesser, a Record No 7 plane, track and table saws and a 1/2 router to make a new front door plus frame. I now reckon you need more than my hobbiest gear for this kind of work, I'll get there but it's a struggle. Would have speeded things up if I'd not...
  7. G


    I used these for my Sabre 350 base. They are similar to what Paoson used for his mobile workbench. Even unlocked they give far better stabilty than regular castors.
  8. G

    Slow setting Araldite to make a door?

    This is what I've used when it's gone pear shaped:
  9. G

    Recommend drawer runners

    And I agree with Peter! Grass undermounts are also excellent, I have used the Chinese copies and they are good value but made to a price. You pays yer money etc etc
  10. G


    Makita SP6000 for the win! Well worth the investment. With a 1m rail and a rail square you can cut panels with decent precision. TBF, I'm sure the Bosch is good but Makita rails being interchangable with Festool means the number of accessories is huge.
  11. G

    Bitumastic or asphalt flooring and/or cheaper options

    dpm, 25mm Celotex, Wisa T&G sprucefloor glued all aorund. Best workshop improvement I ever did, stands up to mid-sized band saw / tablesaw on castors no problem. Thread + pictures here
  12. G

    Any oak framing experts out there?

    This is from Rupert Newman's book on oak- framed buildings, excuse the carpet in the background.
  13. G

    Record Power BS350 Bandsaw

    I've got the Sabre 350 and need 53" / 1350 mm
  14. G

    Recommendations for Trad Joinery books

    City and Guilds apprentices tend to use Brian Porter's Carpentry and Joinery. All three volumes are useful, vol 3 deals with outdoor buildings and cladding (and windows and stairs). Can pick them up for a few quid 2nd hand.
  15. G

    Thicknessing wood on the bandsaw

    My space isn't large enough for a usefully sized planer thicknesser but I've got a Sabre 350 and a Makita lunchbox thicknesser. I prep the face of sawn boards using a scrub plane followed by a number 7. As a hobbyist it really doesn't take that long and I enjoy the process and the workout...