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  1. F

    Night driving glasses - anti-glare

    Just a note of caution that both TheAA and Which? advise against using tinted glasses at night due to exactly the reasons mentioned via people on the thread earlier (reduced visibility).
  2. F

    Loft conversion - what you wish you’d thought of?

    We’re in a mid terrace house and just planning on having a loft conversion done. Standard stuff with dormer at the back and bedroom & ensuite inside Current plan is standard Juliet balcony at rear, eaves storage at front, small toilet and shower room to one side If you’ve had a similar...
  3. F

    Am I doing something wrong here? Track saw and splinter guards

    I have the Makita track saw and have had the issue of the splinter guard being trimmed ‘again’ on some cuts subsequent to the initial trimming. I think in my case I was varying the hold I was using on the saw too much. Since I’ve tried to be more consistent, it seems ok. Yes, buy once cry once...
  4. F

    *Small* electric screwdriver?

    I have had a Bosch IXO since 2016 when I researched the same question and though I have Makita LXT Impact and Combi drivers, the IXO has by far been the most used power tool simply because it’s so handy and rechargeable by usb. They used to come up on sale a lot (I think I paid £20, but that...
  5. F

    Makita 1/2 router

    Understandable. The 2303 is the current model, the 2301 is the previous model with (I think, though someone may correct me) the 2302 being the EU designation of the 2301.
  6. F

    Garage Shelves Advice

    If you do go the keyhole/slot together type with the thin mdf shelves (can take a surprising amount of weight once erected) search the reviews for the word ‘mould’ as there are a number of the brands (guessing they may all share a common supplier/warehouse) where a number of reviews have shown...
  7. F

    How to enthuse a 4 year old

    Eh? But you’ve been talking about doing things that didn’t involve your parents so weren’t they ‘doing what they wanted’ too? Not saying it’s bad, but you seem to say the poor parents are bad for leaving their kids to occupy themselves whereas yours weren’t?
  8. F

    How to enthuse a 4 year old

    As a parent who does a lot more practical and outdoors stuff with my kids than anyone I know I’m going to push back against the ‘wasting time on electronic gizmos and games’ etc. themes for a couple of reasons. a) holier than thou is silly. You might have played war with your mates using...
  9. F

    How to enthuse a 4 year old

    Oops. Double post.
  10. F

    How to enthuse a 4 year old

    Never too young. Had mine (both flavours) helping with using safe tools at that age. Mine were into a toy that was a gold ball size spheres so we made a simple stand for them (I cut a strip of oak worktop - they helped measure, mark and drill a line of round holes to sit the spheres in, then...
  11. F

    Rust Protection - Corrosion inhibiting paper and/or wax

    I’ve heard some say that silica gel can make wooden handles crack due to making the atmosphere ‘too dry’ but wonder how much of that has osmotically made its way from marketing guff from manufacturers of the ‘our sachets create a dry and oily environment hence cost £1m each’ sector. Anyone...
  12. F

    Worry about kitchen cabinet weight

    I feel your pain. My kitchen cupboards (here when we moved in) are put up with fixings that are smaller than ones I’ve used for a small mirror (I did then find my 4 year old swinging their whole weight on the frame of said mirror some time after, so felt smugly justified in my over-engineering)...
  13. F

    Multitool advice

    Ezarc blades did very well in nail tests I’ve seen. I used a fein e cut carbide pro to do the same job as you recently. From that experience I’d say do the nails but do the screws a different way. The hardness of the screws I tried meant it took ages and started blunting the blade quickly...
  14. F

    Labelling system

    I have the brother pte 300vp too and love it. Very often heavily discounted at screwfix. Of those using the aftermarket tze tape knock offs, any recommends for those with good adhesion? I’ve had mixed experience.
  15. F

    Multitool advice

    You might want to re read my post and stop being quite so reactionary. Bit of a weird reaction tbh.