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  1. DRC

    Music that makes woodworking impossible

    My favourite greatest ever guitarist is Jeff Beck and has been for over 50yrs. Django was excellent but in the similar era, so was Les Paul.
  2. DRC

    Backup software recomendation

    Has anyone mentioned Acronis True Image I have been using it for 3-4 years now. It has good support.
  3. DRC

    Joke Thread 5

    In the 60's GPO phones were available for cars (albeit with limited phone range) I had one in 1968.
  4. DRC

    Losing a pet

    We have had 2 Westies for over 16 years we lost my girl on June 12th and then on Sept 24th we lost our eldest. Losing my girl hit me like a sledgehammer for weeks. Being retired she spent so much time with me while my wife, younger than me, pursued her activities. We have got another Westie a...
  5. DRC

    Joke Thread 5

    The joke is ?????????
  6. DRC

    TV advertising quality!

    Last time I checked ratio of coloured/black was 14% probably has not changed that much.
  7. DRC

    TV advertising quality!

    You are so right I agree with you totally also, I'm getting fed up with being the minority white race in the ads too. That should get some reaction I'm sure!!!
  8. DRC

    Any Snap-on experts on here

    Are you sure of the Blue Point being Snap-on my history of Snap-on states differently. I thought Snap-on bought Blue Point years ago.
  9. DRC

    Any Snap-on experts on here

    I have a mountain of Snap-on and have been using them until very recently from 1964 ( which I bought in Ohio when I was on a training course at Mansfield) now I'm too disabled for any big jobs. The one thing I will say about Snap-on is, their range of tools is huge better than any of the other...
  10. DRC

    Statins and statistics

    Just thought I would let you guys know I'm seeing my GP next week and I'm going to have talk with him about my general drugs rejime and, the statin I was prescribed (by another GP in the practice) for Cholesterol Ezetimibe. I'll let you know the outcome.
  11. DRC

    Statins and statistics

    I experienced coldness i.e. feeling cold, all the time, plus pins and needles and numbness in my hands/ fingers loss of usefulness of arms, and severe dizziness. Sorry for the delay in answering.
  12. DRC

    Statins and statistics

    Hi everyone your posts have been very informative and helpful thank you so much. I'm 81 years old and am on Apixaban (plus a load of others similar to you guys) and I was on Bisoprolol which I have now stopped (the side effects were horrible). I had a phone call from my GP saying there had been...
  13. DRC

    Sideways Pincers but for what

    A forerunner to today's "sidecutter" ??
  14. DRC

    3 phase sander connection.

    Sorry if I offend but, may I ask do you have a 3Phase supply at your address then, please?
  15. DRC


    I am now 82 and I have been involved in IT stuff for 30+ years, (not my main employment I was an electrical engineer), but about 3 years ago I bought Roboform a very good password manager costs me about £30 a year. I had tried free ones but did not trust or get on with them very well. Roboform...