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  • deema
    deema replied to the thread Parcels to USA.
    @TRITON social services are provided by the local council not by central government. Local councils have underspent on social care for...
  • deema
    One of the first jobs to be done in our new abode was to do something about the 17 year old MI5 kitchen & utility room doors and drawer...
  • deema
    deema reacted to Cozzer's post in the thread MG Midget engine rebuild with Haha Haha.
    Ah... I had a '74 Midget once, in an ugly "Tundra" colour. Didn't like it at all until I went to one of the Nationals at Donnington, and...
  • deema
    deema reacted to meccarroll's post in the thread Sliding Sash Bow Window Repair with Like Like.
    On site repairs. The box sections and cills had almost completly rotted away so the repairs were rather extensive. There was probably...
  • deema
    deema replied to the thread MG Midget engine rebuild.
    Waiting with anticipation for the next update. Brilliant
  • deema
    deema reacted to Chris152's post in the thread MG Midget engine rebuild with Love Love.
    I'm not sure if this should be in Projects, of even if UKW is the best place at all, but I know some of you are knowledgable about such...
  • deema
    deema replied to the thread What the h*ll?.
    As @Blister has said, it’s a photoshop / AI generated.
  • deema
    deema replied to the thread What the h*ll?.
    I think you mean, a ‘gubby’ job, where a few blokes in their ‘spare time’ are doing it for cash. Sod H&S and jets not worry about paying...
  • deema
    deema reacted to Eshmiel's post in the thread What the h*ll? with Angry Angry.
    The latest Big Builder Acrows - much less expensive than the proper traditional ones and if a serf should be squashed by any collapse...
  • deema
    deema reacted to Cabinetman's post in the thread SM4 Spindle moulder with Like Like.
    I’ve literally just come in from setting up my new SCM Minimax combination mc to spindle setting for the first time, and oh how I wish I...
  • deema
    You can buy the mounting plate in a long length, which makes finding studs easy / allows more fixing in dodgy walks / for heavy units.
  • deema
    deema reacted to Stigmorgan's post in the thread Cheap 3M Versaflow with Haha Haha.
    The good stuff always comes along when I'm broke 🥴
  • deema
    deema replied to the thread SM4 Spindle moulder.
    I’m a big fan of Sedgwick machines, simple, proper castings, last multiple lifetimes and made of cast iron. They update them by tiny...
  • deema
    deema replied to the thread SM4 Spindle moulder.
    I found a picture online which shows the stubby and router spindles. I’d give Sedgwick a call on Monday, they are always happy to help...
    • IMG_1675.jpeg
  • deema
    deema reacted to meccarroll's post in the thread Sliding Sash Bow Window Repair with Love Love.
    I made a trial fit of the glass once the sashes had been made and numbered them although (from memory) they were all interchangable...