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  1. D

    Cars that make you smile

    My favourite (being in Australia helps lol) was a factory VW Countrybug- NOT a good wet weather or cold weather car- but an absolute blast to drive in summer with the top down- especially on the beach (if you DID manage to get it bogged (and that was bloody difficult indeed) you just left it...
  2. D

    Aurora tonight

    Cries... We got the Southern Lights happening here in Australia (with people seeing them as far north as Mackay in central Queensland) and where I am in southern Qld- its 100% cloud cover and rain... 😭 (Mackay is 21.1S latitude, which in the northern hemisphere is literally in northern...
  3. D

    Aurora tonight

    Likely to see them during the entire weekend if you are lucky to be in an area where they can be seen...
  4. D

    Attaching 12mm pipe at right angles.

    Annular cutters or even hole saws will readily cut tubing, but for such small diameter stuff, simply rough cutting a V with a grinder and then 'rounding the cut end out' with a thin grinding wheel is the easiest (hell even a turnip (turnip??? apparently the 'proper name' for a rough/coarse...
  5. D

    Integrated fridge with inset doors?

    That is indeed why the sliders- the hinges don't have to align at all... Hope this kinda makes sense... Doors closed Fridge is blue, cupboard door is brown, hinges black and slider red... Redrawn in open position- hinges stayed in exactly the same place, doors copy/pasted but 'spun' and moved...
  6. D

    Integrated fridge with inset doors?

    One of the 'suggested links' on your link showed this was the way they did it... Uses standard butt hinges on the cupboard door, and the 'sliding clip' to open the fridge door at the same time... Using a cheap 'linear rail' (often used for CNC machines and the like) would be an easy source...
  7. D

    Wiring 16 amp socket

    I use the Australian wire sizing calculator for our AS 3000 standards, which is pretty good for sizing the cable sizes required (the BS standards are very similar to our Au/NZ standards) It lets you play with all sorts of configurations...
  8. D

    Mystery thing

    I think the first two answers are on the right track- they certainly look like many of the latch release tools used in car radios (and quite a few other things as well) As it is unlikely you have dozens of car radios in your motorhome lol, I would think that they are the ones used for things...
  9. D

    Are EV's good value? Apparently not!

    Here in Australia, pumped hydro storage is being expanded again, with even more systems being in the planning and preconstruction phase... This means that solar and wind excess can be stored for overnight and for those times that it is needed... Best of all, it doesn't need 'huge' dams or the...
  10. D

    Metal cart/stand

    Don't plan on building it 'too' light... I got a 48" that I actually took off its original stand it came with and now lives on a 'machine bench' built for all the power tools, as its stand was quite lightweight- and as a result everytime you went to apply pressure to the belt, it would slide...
  11. D

    Not a Hybrid

    Diesels most certainly can catch fire- and do... What he's being 'slightly misleading' about is that while a puddle of diesel IS indeed hard to ignite, a finely atomised mist of diesel is far from hard to do so (indeed I have had a fire myself while working on a diesel ute with a faulty...
  12. D

    How I charged an old removable mobile phone battery

    Many of the newer 'smart' car chargers suffer the same problem- they need a certain voltage to sense before they will 'fire up'(I've got 5 different car chargers here, four of which are smart- and I have had to use the old 1980's vintage 'dumb' Arlec 4A one to get 'dead flat' batteries to start...
  13. D

    Oven and Hob on 32A

    That's why I said he should fit a socket for the oven on a fused spur off the fixed wiring point for the hob lol- that way it's all legal and safe... ;-)
  14. D

    Oven and Hob on 32A

    'Technically' you should be getting a sparky in to do it, but yes, a 30A 6kw hob (actually a 6kw hob will be 26A) and a 13A 3kw oven will be fine on a 6mm^2 feed with a 32A breaker (they will allow up to 15kw on a 32A/6mm feed combo according to the regs (unless they have changed, don't have a...
  15. D

    How I charged an old removable mobile phone battery

    Not a recommended practice mind you lol... The issue is most lithium chargers (probably all, at least I've never come across one that didn't) won't even try and charge a cell that is too low in voltage (because they are prone to thermal runaway when in this state) so it is a safety thing...