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  1. C

    Hammer B3/K3 sliding table removal - help!

    I have done this too. Its not hard unless you drop all the ball bearings on the floor. Dont ask.
  2. C

    Considering dipping toe into 3d printing so what do you think of this one?

    I have a bambu x1c after a couple of cheaper ones. It just works,software is good and i have hardly any fails. App is cool as you can print from your phone. I think the a1 looks awesome for the price. I focus now more on designs rather than getting the printer to work
  3. C

    Record StaySet - opinions

    quite like a stay set and the clifton equivalent. Its easy to quickly touch up a blade and put it back. My main issue is i am clumsy and drop the loose plate on the floor and then spend 2 minutes on my hands and knees finding it in the shavings. I am not sure we need to descend in a sharpening...
  4. C

    Accurate drill-sharpening jig for Sorby Pro-edge?

    I have a sorby pro edge and a drill doctor and a bench grinder. If i have my eye in on the grinder is easiest, but it take me about 5-6 attempts to remember my technique and some swearing as i am a hobbyiest. Drill doctor takes me about a minute to remember what to do then it works. It may not...
  5. C

    Damaged 60 1/2 block plane thread - replacement?!

    not sure thats worth the effort of repairing, lots of poor ones go cheap on ebay and just take the part of another one. thats a personal view but i have restored 50 or so over the years and certain things just arent worth the effort.
  6. C

    Axminster Tools Warrington & Newcastle CLOSURES.

    i too hope axminster stay afloat, the service is top notch and they import a lot of stuff. However with a modern supply chain its hard to justify a big physical site when most people order on line. Whilst its nice to lay hands on stuff with videos etc its not required. I buy from axminster every...
  7. C

    Would you buy a grade 2 listed cottage?

    As a letting agent grade 2 is no big deal. Just find out what the listing relates to and work from there. It will limit some options but its normally fairly straighforward. Assume that anything that relates to the lsiting will be slower and more expensive everything else is standrd property...
  8. C

    Latest thing you have printed / machined / cut

    Knocked up a 3d printed jig for my sorby proedge. This allows japanese chisels to he sharpened as the backs can be odd shapes so dont work well with the jigs that come with the proedge. Particular my dovetail style ones. References off the back edge
  9. C

    Is this motor compatible with using a vfd

    I used to have a winner it has some intemediate electronics. It needs some big oompf on startup the single plase version needed a 20 amp slow trip fuse ( i think that is right terminology) so i can imagine it needing a poweful convertor. Great saw i swapped mine after 12 years for a smaller...
  10. C

    Refurbing chisels

    a linisher /belt sander is the way to go if the pitting is bad. Just have to watch the heat. Good work as the steel will be nice on those.
  11. C

    Why you need a well cambered blade on a No7

    i bought an oshio odate cambered diamond stone on the cheap off ebay to see what the deal with is a very slight cambered blade. i have always done it a bit by hand for a few extra stokes on the edges, but its nice to have stone that does it easily. I can concur that i am a fan of a slight...
  12. C

    No Fault Evictions

    Been a letting agent the last 23 years in nottingham where licensing has been running on all housing for at least 7 years. Seen good tenants and bad tenants, seen good landlords and bad landlords. Helped build property and also renovated 100s of houses. Many bought from housing association whom...
  13. C

    Stanley 5001's

    I have done a similar thing i really liked he plastic elu handles but they only came in a few chisel sizes. So i put the handles on a few stanly 5001. Sad i know. Its very easy if you have a heat gun, put the plastic handle in a vice, heat the metal bit with a heat gun (its not going to get hot...
  14. C

    Startrite t30 Spindle moulder 240v advice please :-)

    on my felder i had to change the fuse to a slow start type i think a type c to avoid blowing the fuse on a 20a breaker as the 20a would blow
  15. C

    Acme nut help

    Its a colt vice so seems part welded. Had to order from the statesmimomum order was£150 from above. It may work or it may not. At least i will have some new nuts, haha