Recent content by Chris West

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  1. Chris West

    Moravian stool

    Nice job!
  2. Chris West

    HEPA Air purifier(s) for fine dust

    I don't disagree. The average Covid mask was completely ineffective for the purpose. I haven't researched it but I suspect that these dust masks with little rubber band straps that one can buy in bulk at B&Q are not good enough.
  3. Chris West

    For Sale Felder AF14 dust extractor +Fine Filter Cartridge +Manuel Cartridge Cleaner. New

    Exactly right! As a long time US expat living in the UK, I am well familiar with this phenomenon but manufacturers and retailers have been getting away with it for decades. A local family member who works for a big DIY chain revealed to me they routinely make 50 to 100% profit on their sales...
  4. Chris West

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    Judge much? The only access to and from my home are narrow roads.
  5. Chris West

    Sharpening for beginners

    At the end of the day, we need to find a sharpening method that doesn't require hours of time. When I am chopping out several dovetails in thick oak, for example, I have to sharpen my chisels a few times during the process. If it took me a long time to sharpen them, I might soldier on with a...
  6. Chris West

    YADECQ (Yet another dust extraction / collection question)

    The best advice I have found is within this site Although he does make a few recommendations on machine ducting and such, as far as I can tell, the author is not hawking for one manufacturer or another. Indeed, when he was...
  7. Chris West

    HEPA Air purifier(s) for fine dust

    I have been a woodworker for 50 years. In the early days I did carpentry work for a construction company but mostly I have done it as a part time hobby. I have never smoked and I have good lung capacity at age 65. However, at the insistence of my wife, I have gotten serious about dust, as of...
  8. Chris West

    For Sale Felder AF14 Dust Extractor / brand new / never used

    I wonder why the plate on the extractor says 2.2kw but the motor's plate says 1.5kw?
  9. Chris West

    Buying a first bandsaw

    I bought a Record BS500 about 20 years ago. As I recall it was the biggest machine they made at the time. It does what I need it to do but I've never been that impressed with it. The guides are finicky to adjust and the top guide has never been exactly parallel to the blade in both the...
  10. Chris West

    Workshop power supply

    Please send me a link to your "Unifi" system. I have set up a Deco mesh system but the flyin saucers don't have a range of 150m. At best mine are capable of 50m, depending of course, on the manner of obstructions between them. Also taking note of your solar panel chargers - are you mesh...
  11. Chris West

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    Because I live in a rural area with lots of ancient narrow winding roads. In order safely pass a bicyclist, I can wait a mile or more to insure there is no risk of anyone getting hurt. On a few occasions, a cyclist has waved me to pass them only to discover there was a car coming the other way...
  12. Chris West

    Sharpening for beginners

    I was taught that the key to getting a sharp edge is to maintain a constant angle while sharpening. In this way, you produce a sharp angle rather than a rounded corner. I too like the veritas honing guide for helping maintain this constant angle. I would add that an indelible marker is also...
  13. Chris West

    Sharpening for beginners

    This is definitely correct. A scraper is just that, it is meant to scrape rather than cut like a chisel or a plane. With a fresh burr a scraper will cut across a surface like a miniscule blade, producing an incredibly fine shaving just a few thousands of an inch thick. A properly sharpened...
  14. Chris West

    SawStop, stops on contact with skin is coming to Europe soon!

    Everytime I get stuck behind a cyclist I have a negative connotation but this is a polite forum and I won't repeat it.