Recent content by Britman

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  1. Britman

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    New desktop made from Iroko. It's had a single coat of Osmo door oil. I am very happy with it considering it's my first time working g with Iroko. Designed to go into a corner on wall mounted buttons and a single leg in the right hand front corner. I'll post an update once it's installed...
  2. Britman

    Recommend a finish for an Iroko besktop

    I'm in the presses of making a new desktop out of some Iroko and I'm looking for recommendations on a durable finish. My first though was Osmo polyX clear gloss but as I don't have any I didn't want to folk out and find out it's no suitable. I want to keep the natural colour as much as...
  3. Britman

    Formaldehyde off-gassing from MDF when storing in the house

    Does European MDF even use Formaldehyde?
  4. Britman

    I won a competition!

    Congrats, looks like a great haul.
  5. Britman

    Collection of 3d printing files relevant for woodworking

    Clips for attaching a worktop to the DeWalt Tough System 2 tools boxes.
  6. Britman

    UK & Ireland TIMBER YARDS - PLEASE Add Your Favourites

    PD Hardwoods Kirby, Knowsley Industrial Estate. Hobby friendly, yes with a caveat.* Hardwoods and slabs, not a massive selection but decent enough. They only sell PAR so it's expensive. I spent £205 on some Iroko and Sapele. *The caveat, there is a minimum order of £200 so it's not the place...
  7. Britman

    Secret Santa 2024 (under new management)

    I wouldn't have a clue who my Santa is. This is my first Secret Santa on the forum but I can see it becoming a regular thing now.
  8. Britman

    Secret santa 2024 photos

    Put in the right thread. Add this to the list of awesome hand made gifts. You're a talented lot aren't you.
  9. Britman

    Secret Santa 2024 (under new management)

    Thank you Santa, I have never seen this game before and it's so cool. It shall live in the Caravan for those wet days. 😊
  10. Britman

    Secret Santa 2024 (under new management)

    Was she wrong though 🫣😁
  11. Britman

    Secret Santa 2024 (under new management)

    A mysterious parcel arrived today 😁
  12. Britman

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    The Draco Magnum Truecoat 360. Very easy to use even though the cable is stupidly short, It's not even half a meter and has a UK plug adapter (Draco are a USA company) We didn't even need to water down the acrylic paint. No sanding between coats either but you probably will need to if...
  13. Britman

    Baby gate catch/latch

    Can we use electric fences these days? 😆
  14. Britman

    Baby gate catch/latch

    You know what I am going to forward that. It is pretty much what I had going around in my head. And why built it when buying it is easy and cheap. I would still need to add a post of some sort as one end is a Kitchen unit end panel.
  15. Britman

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    You know what, that has given me an idea for an xmas present for my sister in law!