Recent content by BodgerM_497

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  1. B

    10" sliding table saw - crosscutting?

    Fear not, I continue to have excellent work working tuition from a local furniture maker turned instructor. It was his commercial sliding table saw (actually on reflection its stroke is likely 3+ metres..!) that I’ve been learning on eg. Understanding kickback, correct work holding etc etc. I’ve...
  2. B

    10" sliding table saw - crosscutting?

    Thank you for the advice - makes sense. Can I clarify (being fairly new as I said above): 1) Why exactly is a sliding table is better? 2) For a home made mitre fence, would a book matched straight grained hardwood by wise? With a toggle clamp mounted on top face?
  3. B

    10" sliding table saw - crosscutting?

    Hello all. I recently used a friends commercial/monstrous panel saw - the type with a sliding table stroke of 2+ metres and 15" blade - to true up some plywood. Seeing the benefits then for my own mdoest home workshop I have just bought a Record TS250C that was on offer. However since I've...
  4. B

    How to fit a custom screwdriver handle

    Can you elaborate please; as I said I'm a newcomer. Do I heat it to a dull red? What's the heating meant to achieve - does it 'glue' itself to the remaining sap in the sycamore? Thanks for your input.
  5. B

    How to fit a custom screwdriver handle

    I'm a newcomer to woodwork. I'm nearly finished a home carved sycamore screwdriver handle, to mount my the screwdriver blade (ground from 5/8 x 1/8" steel bar). However I'm stuck on how to mount this rectnagular shank within the sycamore. It's too narrow to do a tiny mortice with a chisel. I...
  6. B

    Resawing 12" wide hardwood

    Hello chaps. (I'll repeat the caveat of being new to woodwork etc...) Please recommend a suitable saw set tool - preferably one that I'll easily find secondhand. I'd rather the squeeze handle type; I don't trust myself to free-style it with a punch + hammer just yet(!)
  7. B

    Resawing 12" wide hardwood

    Any drawing would be most welcome. As I said before, hopefully this thread will also benefit future readers too.
  8. B

    Resawing 12" wide hardwood

    Yes that would be very useful thanks. Just clarifying overall dimensions - is that 1m length spring steel adequate? Also, could the rough tooth shapes not be Dremel abrasive disc cut (or similar rotary tool), and then accurately finished using a triangular file in the normal fashion? RE files...
  9. B

    Resawing 12" wide hardwood

    That home made frame saw sounds ideal. I must admit while internet researching for my original post, a frame saw did sound ideal. However I was under the impression that for a worthwhile frame saw, the metal hardware kit especially the blade, should really be made porfessionally eg...
  10. B

    Resawing 12" wide hardwood

    I'm pretty new to woodwork; hoping for advice to my re-saw queries, in bold below. I recently resawed an 8" wide beech plank using this Japenese rip saw. It was tough going and there was a notiecable dish (the saw clearly wandered within the plank) about half way down the length. I've since...
  11. B

    [Beginner] Chamfering dog holes

    Hello all. This is my inaugural post on UKWorkshop! I recently taken up woodwork, having moved from metalwork. I'm planning to drill a few 19mm dog holes in my newly built beech topped work bench for hold fasts amongst other things. The hold fast retailer recommended a little chamfer around the...