Recent content by Agent_zed

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    Torque Wrench for Car repairs

    I had a cheap torque wrench that broke, so I welded the ratchet part solid and now use it as a breaker bar.
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    and you'll likely get more clicks if you are an attractive man or woman posing. But more clicks does not equal a better or more informative video, and in my experience the people that spend more time trying to get my attention have spent less time on the subject matter. Which is my entire point...
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    For the sake of debate/killing time, you aren't comparing like for like. The thumbnail you show above has the ginger as the main focus, the person is way in the background and only partially visible. It is quite clear the main aspect of the picture is the vast amount of ginger. They aren't...
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    No it doesn't. I've just searched 'woodworking' and the vast majority of the videos suggested are close up pictures of the workpiece in question. The youtube 'shorts' have more people's faces in them (likely that it is returning ones that it thinks I would like e.g WorkshopCompanion) but the...
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    Another dubious looking photo shoot

    The best one I saw was an interview with Sarah Beany in the Telegraph magazine. They asked what was the most essential thing to have in your bag. She said a Multi-tool, as in a folding knife/pliers. The researcher must have googled 'multi-tool' and then put an example at the bottom of the page...
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    Another dubious looking photo shoot

    It's like a spot the mistake competition :)
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    "Machining" steel ends

    If you want a diy solution you could use a windscreen wiper motor to make a reciprocal file. I've seen it done a lot to make powered hacksaws so not much difference to make it hold a file. With a perpendicular L shaped bed to hold the steel it should be able to file it square.
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    Another dubious looking photo shoot

    Interesting that they have the fence so you have to reach to the back to release the catch (red part just visible).
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    SawStop Braking Mechanism

    It's an additional safety device. It doesn't replace push sticks and safe working. It is a last ditch attempt to save someones hand if they do something stupid or accidentally. If I recall correctly they are designed to cut no more than 3mm into a hand/finger etc so should at worst leave a...
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    Sharpening conspiracy!

    Or even Obsidian, as it is claimed to be around 500x sharper than surgical steel. Like most things though its a balance. Obsidian is very brittle although sharp, so practically speaking a stainless blade is more...
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    Sharpening conspiracy!

    Are opinels 12C27? I couldn't find anywhere that mentions the grade on their site. It just talks about Stainless and carbon steels in general. Not disputing the claim, just interested. My Morakniv is the same it just says its stainless but I can't see what grade, but it is very sharp. My Boker...
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    'She seems to have provoked you!' Yes, I'm livid! ...or maybe just passing the time with a vague statement on a video using a thumbnail that is more about the person than the subject at hand. 'Is that what you do?' Yes, like most people. If i go to job interview I am expected to turn up in a...
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    I'm not sure about anyone else but I don't believe anyone is 'freaking out'. It would appear you are the only one to raise the temperature of the conversation. It's hardly 'freaking out' to simply avoid videos that from the thumbnail appear to be using known techniques to manipulate higher...
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    or a tank top?
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    Bringing it back to the video in question. Whether she knows how to sharpen or not, the video is significantly worse than paul sellers videos on sharpening for example. In Pauls video on sharpening the focus is firmly on what he is doing and the tool and sharpening technique is in focus. In...