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      Dauph replied to the thread Router table build 0.
      Hi, it's this I lift the router to the rough height, lock it...
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      Dauph reacted to Spectric's post in the thread Gen Z and DiY with Haha Haha.
      Yes that would have been unheard of not that many years ago but that is a direct result of modern parenting skills where they cannot be...
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      Dauph replied to the thread Gen Z and DiY.
      I make a living getting Handyman work through an app. I can't honestly say that the proportion of work I get via Gen Z is any higher...
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      Dauph replied to the thread Freedom of speech....
      Some of you may find this worth a read. If you are further interested, the same author has also written a full length book on the...
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      Dauph replied to the thread Sacrilegious?.
      There are good US beers. How widespread they are I wouldn't know. Their mass produced p*ss is no worse than our mass produced p*ss I.E...
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      I have a Bosch GMS 120 Pro. It's not bad, I've always managed to find a stud but, it does give false readings as well. I did read a...
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      Dauph replied to the thread How easy is it to fit a kitchen?.
      If you're an experienced DIYer then yes, do it but, be prepared for it to take a while. If you are inexperienced, the (reasonably high)...
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      Dauph replied to the thread First time shellac....
      I hope I'm not adding confusion but, the method I use (from the interwebs) is that a 1 to 4 ratio is the same as a 2lb cut. So 25g...
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