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  1. D

    Router table build 0

    Good idea. Solves a couple of design niggles. Cheers
  2. D

    Router table build 0

    Hi all. I'm most of the way to finishing this. It's a little shonky, but it's all square solid and level, and the micro adjustment I was hoping for works. One question: Does having the cable bunched up in the corner like that present any risk? I know their can be issues with using power cable...
  3. D

    Joke Thread 5

    I don't usually do blonde jokes but, I like this one: Blonde goes to the Dr and says "I don't know what's wrong with me Doc, everything seems to hurt? The Doc says "what do you mean?" Blonde touches her forehead "ouch" touches her shoulder "ouch" touches her elbow "ouch" touches her knee "ouch"...
  4. D

    How would you make this...

    I'd think use a rounded end router bit and a template for the inside. Logically, you'd cut the concave side first so you can keep the router flat on the workpiece. Then turn it over to cut the outside circle. The tricky bit is going to lining up the second larger template for the outer cut. Do...
  5. D

    Table saw or bandsaw?

    I have a table saw and love it, use it all the time. I'd love a band saw but, don't really have the space. An entry level one has limited cut height 8 cm ish). I'd also be concerned that a "cheap" one wouldn't do what I want very well. One of the things I like about wood work is that there's...
  6. D

    Fence question

    Yeah, I think I'll suggest something along these lines. Ta
  7. D

    Fence question

    I'm quite glad I grew up being allowed to learn from my mistakes. It's a different world now. Whether better or not is another, possibly long, and potentially controversial discussion
  8. D

    Fence question

    Hi folks, not really a woodwork question, just looking for ideas. I have a client (I'm a handyman) who runs a nursery. They have a closeboard fence that she wants sanded, or something, to prevent the littluns getting splinters from it. I told her sanding would work out pretty expensive (plus I...
  9. D

    Five favourite quotes.

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe" Albert Einstein "Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." Attributed to both Twain & Lincoln "When faced with a choice of two evils, choose the one...
  10. D

    Joke Thread 5

    I expected to see a small old Stanley plane on his head when I scrolled down :D
  11. D

    Joke Thread 5

    I love homophones/homographs, I'm always happy when I discover new ones. Remember: You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead.
  12. D

    No Fault Evictions

    Socialism, communism and capitalism all sound good on paper. The problem is that those who consider themselves fit to run a country and implement whichever political system or ideal are, in reality, the worst people for the job. Capitalism has been allowed to run to excess in my opinion. There...
  13. D

    Colouring shellac

    Looks good, I'll give it a go. Thank you
  14. D

    Colouring shellac

    Thank you, that looks good and not hideously pricy
  15. D

    Colouring shellac

    Hi all, Have any of you tried adding colour to shellac? If so, what did you use and how did it come out? I'd like to have a go with something along the lines of primary red or blue to start with. Be nice to have a bit of an idea what results are like before spending money. Apparently you can...
  16. D

    Hello folks

    Thank you
  17. D

    Hello folks

    Yeah, I have an insert plate with a rudimentary fence in my bench but, I'm working on a better dedicated table with a few more features.
  18. D

    Hello folks

    Thank you. There are minor flaws that don't show in the photos but I'm fairly pleased so far.
  19. D

    Hello folks

    I've been woodworking as a hobbyist for a year ish. I have a tiny workshop in my loft. Got a decent job site table saw, a thicknesser, router and a lovely old Record No5 Jack Plane which is older than me and in much better condition! Until recently I've mainly been learning how to make small...