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      Agent_zed replied to the thread UK Energy Production.
      Getting off topic but I'd say a lot of this comes down to lifestyle. People just don't go outside enough.
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      Agent_zed reacted to John Brown's post in the thread UK Energy Production with Like Like.
      What are you talking about? The emperor's new clothes are amazing!
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread UK Energy Production.
      Yeah I admit I don't understand economics that well but I havent worked out how you can continually grow. In biological terms this would...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread Double plank door ?.
      I wonder if you would be best to combine the suggested doors. If you built a ledged and braced door (which is tried and tested) and...
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      In this crazy world of chaos and bad news you occasionally stumble across something that gives you a little hope
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      Does your blade guard move the blade as it moves up and down? They can be adjusted so they follow the blade line. If they are out then...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread UK Energy Production.
      Do you not see the correlation between your two statements above? Have you not noticed that the Ukrainians have been systematically...
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      Agent_zed reacted to Blackswanwood's post in the thread UK Energy Production with Like Like.
      But we are further forward towards being able to do so than we were a year ago. It’s a transition not an immediate switch over.
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      How about partly using the idea above that you drill a very slightly larger hole is a piece of wood and cut a line across the middle...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread UK Energy Production.
      Unless someone on here is from the government dept for energy production, it's unlikely any of us know what that number is or should be...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread UK Energy Production.
      In most cases like this, the easiest way to work out who is likely telling the truth is to look at who stands to make the most profit...
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      Agent_zed reacted to Hypnotic Chimera's post in the thread UK Energy Production with Like Like.
      Two points: You actually don't need a 100% capacity backup - that is a red herring and for the birds - usually an idea that is proposed...
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      Agent_zed reacted to Hypnotic Chimera's post in the thread UK Energy Production with Like Like.
      We have experts designing our capacity - I strongly suggest that it is safe to trust the engineers. I know that a large wedge of UK...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread UK Energy Production.
      about as hard as understanding that Oil/gas is finite and subject to international agreements and a cause of anthropogenic climate...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread UK Energy Production.
      You are assuming that gas and nuclear are sure fire energy production. We saw just recently that it only takes one dictator to decide...
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