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      Agent_zed replied to the thread Torque Wrench for Car repairs.
      I had a cheap torque wrench that broke, so I welded the ratchet part solid and now use it as a breaker bar.
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      Agent_zed reacted to johnnyb's post in the thread NOooo with Like Like.
      I for one would love to get rid of all American sites and replace them with ones that pay there fair share of tax to the UK government...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread NOooo.
      and you'll likely get more clicks if you are an attractive man or woman posing. But more clicks does not equal a better or more...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread NOooo.
      For the sake of debate/killing time, you aren't comparing like for like. The thumbnail you show above has the ginger as the main focus...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread NOooo.
      No it doesn't. I've just searched 'woodworking' and the vast majority of the videos suggested are close up pictures of the workpiece in...
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      Agent_zed reacted to Phill05's post in the thread Accurate drilling with Like Like.
      Graham, I made up a rolling slide as I called it when I had a lot of holes to mark out when I was making up some cramp bars, no matter...
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      Agent_zed reacted to Sandyn's post in the thread Dust Collection Bags with Like Like.
      I have a Nilfisk which uses filter bags. I cut the bag along theseal at the bottom of the bag. I then fold the end over and clamp it...
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      Agent_zed reacted to Sachakins's post in the thread Another dubious looking photo shoot with Like Like.
      Less like spot the ball, more like Spot the Balls Up 😂
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      The best one I saw was an interview with Sarah Beany in the Telegraph magazine. They asked what was the most essential thing to have in...
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      It's like a spot the mistake competition :)
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread "Machining" steel ends.
      If you want a diy solution you could use a windscreen wiper motor to make a reciprocal file. I've seen it done a lot to make powered...
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      Interesting that they have the fence so you have to reach to the back to release the catch (red part just visible).
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread SawStop Braking Mechanism.
      It's an additional safety device. It doesn't replace push sticks and safe working. It is a last ditch attempt to save someones hand if...
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      Agent_zed reacted to Jester129's post in the thread SawStop Braking Mechanism with Like Like.
      I can remember getting my first (and only) table saw. No training, a quick read of the manual and how to set it up! That was it! Surely...
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      Agent_zed replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      Or even Obsidian, as it is claimed to be around 500x sharper than surgical steel...
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