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    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Woodworking Mysteries.
      Is it a Crocs advert in disguise? Vids like these always seem a little desperate to me. If "content generation" is now a major means...
    • Eshmiel
      Sharpening workflow? I'm almost tempted to do a Jacob! :-) Do you mean "method" - a rather less involved (and perhaps less rigid)...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      You'd better inform Chris Pye and several other master carvers then - they've all been doing it wrong and should adopt the Jacob, er...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      I can't follow that. Can you draw a diagram of what you mean? "Rounded" bevel. Do you mean "convex"? The reason for wanting a flat...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread SawStop Braking Mechanism.
      Apologies for my bad syntax. I meant only that Sawstops do come with riving knives. And yes, they always have. But many still seem to...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      You'll discover that the rounded bevels will tend to force you to make cuts at too steep an angle to take very thin shavings from many...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Surface, flatness, precision..
      I do spring mine but only after I've first made them both dead straight with me jointer plane. A few passes over varying lengths of the...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread SawStop Braking Mechanism.
      If you can be bothered to trawl the US forums you'll find a few reports. The owners generally host them is a gush of praise for the...
    • Eshmiel
      Perfeek! Thank you very much - I'll acquire a pair of those to have a go at. I'll need to borrow a lathe-use somewhere as I have no...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      Are you teasin' me now, you rascal? I cannot believe that you would be so unaware of these knife bevel profile matters as to dismiss...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      All very well - but will they respond to a cathedral step!? :-) Do Opinel not make knives of different steels? I have read reviews of...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      That's a good link; thank you. I've now bought that "Exactly" book.
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Surface, flatness, precision..
      Lots of insightful stuff in the posts so far. I'm trawling them for good bits. Feel. I can see how this will be a prime in a musical...
    • Eshmiel
      Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
      As I understand it, there are different geometries used to make knife (and axe) edges, depending on their intended use. For carving...
    • Eshmiel
      Another thread has had an orthogonal jaunt into the matter of woodworking flatness and precision. It needs a new thread for those of us...
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