Recent content by Eshmiel

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  1. Eshmiel

    Fixing a brace drill rachet

    The brace in the attached pics was found in a junk shop years ago and has been employed to drill holes in work benches and, lately, down the grain of chunks of log to make a starting-hole or three to gouge out in creating shrink pots. It functions as it should apart from having a bodged pin...
  2. Eshmiel

    Woodworking Mysteries

    There are a lot of colour-questions about modern woodwork. It amazes me how US woodworkers in particular have been convinced that they need 13 different gels, goos, liquids, stains and so forth to clag on their wood for it to be "finished". Why do so many feel that natural wood colours are...
  3. Eshmiel

    Another dubious looking photo shoot

    That needs to fork off. But perhaps they make it that way so you have to hike?
  4. Eshmiel

    Another dubious looking photo shoot

    A top pick to lop a dick! For cutting hardwood, softwood, laminates and fingers orf.
  5. Eshmiel

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An' foolish notion: What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us, An' ev'n devotion! Mind, I find myself avoiding various kinds of mirror in case I see something nastier than what can be seen in...
  6. Eshmiel

    Dust Collection Bags

    Laziness is one of my few (ha ha) vices. However, another is a certain meanness with the wallet, although I have devolved the function to my wife, who doesn't let me near my wallet unless I make a long and water tight case for opening it. But I digress. I too have a small Trend vac used for...
  7. Eshmiel

    Woodworking Mysteries

    Is it a Crocs advert in disguise? Vids like these always seem a little desperate to me. If "content generation" is now a major means of making a living for many, I suppose they have to try anything/everything, including ironic vids about the fashions and fads - a sort of new fashion & fad...
  8. Eshmiel

    Red Handled "Footprint" wood chisels

    Sharpening workflow? I'm almost tempted to do a Jacob! :-) Do you mean "method" - a rather less involved (and perhaps less rigid) approach than deriving a whole workflow? On the other hand, sharpening can be a hobby all by itself. Been there and still doing that. This is an intriguing...
  9. Eshmiel

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    You'd better inform Chris Pye and several other master carvers then - they've all been doing it wrong and should adopt the Jacob, er, "method". Eshmiel said: - the flat bevel acts as a jig in the same way as the flat back of a paring chisel acts as a jig - to keep the edge at a very shallow...
  10. Eshmiel

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    I can't follow that. Can you draw a diagram of what you mean? "Rounded" bevel. Do you mean "convex"? The reason for wanting a flat bevel to the carving knife edge is the same reason that a flat bevel all the way to the edge is wanted in a carving chisel or gouge - the flat bevel acts as a...
  11. Eshmiel

    SawStop Braking Mechanism

    Apologies for my bad syntax. I meant only that Sawstops do come with riving knives. And yes, they always have. But many still seem to use them without a guard, using only their hands to guide the workpiece - going by vids and magazine articles/pictures.
  12. Eshmiel

    Sharpening conspiracy!

    You'll discover that the rounded bevels will tend to force you to make cuts at too steep an angle to take very thin shavings from many surfaces. BTW, you'll also find it advantageous to have one knife longer than the other and one with a very sharp point and both a curved edge and a straight...
  13. Eshmiel

    Surface, flatness, precision.

    I do spring mine but only after I've first made them both dead straight with me jointer plane. A few passes over varying lengths of the central parts with a fine-set No 4 plane makes the small gap. I prefer also to plane two boards together to make the matching straight edges, to cancel out any...
  14. Eshmiel

    SawStop Braking Mechanism

    If you can be bothered to trawl the US forums you'll find a few reports. The owners generally host them is a gush of praise for the device, which is understandable. Not just a finger saved but also a whacking great bill to mend it. Sometimes they describe how they came to put a finger on the...
  15. Eshmiel

    Post a pic of something you have recycled

    Perfeek! Thank you very much - I'll acquire a pair of those to have a go at. I'll need to borrow a lathe-use somewhere as I have no room for one. ...... Well ...... maybe a small benchtopper that can live in a cupboard when not in use. (Glances over shoulder to see if wife is spying on me...