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    • Chisteve
      Chisteve replied to the thread Opinions/experience sought....
      I've raised my Graduate about 5 inches 125 mm - I'm 6 foot, works a treat for me
    • Chisteve
      Chisteve replied to the thread Opinions/experience sought....
      Indeed I do nice simple heavy machine, with a 240 V 3 phase VFD I’m teaching myself to turn have watched lots of videos, I mainly turn...
    • Chisteve
      Chisteve replied to the thread Opinions/experience sought....
      I’m in Chichester and have a union graduate with variable speed learning how to turn
    • Chisteve
      Chisteve replied to the thread Vice lining?.
    • Chisteve
      Chisteve replied to the thread Vice lining?.
      What type and where did you get the magnets as I have no idea on this
    • Chisteve
      Chisteve replied to the thread Vice lining?.
      Good shout re magnets will give that a try as the home made wood jaws can be a bit tricky and awkward sometimes
    • Chisteve
      Chisteve replied to the thread Vice lining?.
      I use 20 mm ply board on my wood working vice, and make 10 mm ply jaws with 15 mm cork glued on for my other vices a heavy duty record...
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