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    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread 9” bandsaw - I know….
      Can't speak for the LJ but I had the Axminster 1400 machine as a first bandsaw and found it excellent, using it for about 5 years - just...
    • robgul
      That's pretty much how I did it once the ceiling was boarded - battens attached to the joist at 90 degrees to fix the end of the legs...
    • robgul
      I mounted mine against the ceiling - the pic shows the principle although the ceiling is now insulated and has plasterboard - the Record...
      • air-scrubber.jpg
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread The Apprentice....
      The edition on 13 Feb was filmed in Stratford-upon-Avon (where I live) - I was waylaid and diverted by groups of posing idiots strutting...
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Axminster prices.
      On your second point : having been to Axminster's HQ and seen some of the products, I think there is some input on functionality/small...
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Axminster prices.
      Your last sentence : Isn't that just what Axminster, Rutland, Charnwood, Evolution, Record et al are doing for many of the products...
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Parkside biscuit jointer £26.99!.
      Indeed - people seem to think that a biscuit jointer is a substitute for a Festool Domino - horses for courses, biscuits have their...
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Best value Dremel / Rotary Tool.
      +1 for Dremel (mine's corded) - I did have another cheapie one and it was rubbish - collet didn't stay tight and the motor failed very...
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Space saving in a small workshop.
      +1 for machines on wheels - and "parking garages" for them under benches.
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Parkside biscuit jointer £26.99!.
      If it's the same as the one I bought from Aldi a few years ago it's excellent for the money.
    • robgul
      Unlikely - being Clarke/Machine Mart they're box-shifters - I asked about parts for a machine some years ago and got a No as the answer...
    • robgul
      I think it's the CTC* forum that tops the action on helmets! *the charity that's called CyclingUK - that lost many real members with...
    • robgul
      This is getting like a cycle forum I'm on that discusses the wearing of helmets endlessly!
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Understair storage?.
      Not overthinking - surprisingly a variance of as little as 3 or 4mm in the stair riser is noticeable.
    • robgul
      robgul replied to the thread Boots! recomendations.
      I've been wearing the basic Site steel toecap boots from Screwfix* - they have the hooks at the top for quick lacing. Very comfortable...
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