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    • Chrispy
      Chrispy replied to the thread Staining 'oak' filler.
      A small amount of earth pigment like brown umber or vandyke mixed into your filler will work. Could even try the kids powder paints.
    • Chrispy
      Chrispy reacted to Phil Pascoe's post in the thread Everbuild D4 with Like Like.
      I've used Everbuild stuff for years and not had a problem. I've not glued MDF, though, but I'd wonder anything would do it very well.
    • Chrispy
      Hi Rob 👋 I have taken another look and there are three sheets two of them are plug free one face snd the third is plug free both...
    • Chrispy
      Chrispy reacted to RobinBHM's post in the thread Spindle tooling advice with Like Like.
      It doesn’t look like it will take conventional Euro cutters, although it doesn’t specify. My guess is it is designed to take the...
    • Chrispy
      Did you ever get sorted with this, I have just received two lovely sheets of 12mm Birch ply with no plugs in the top face, haven't...
    • Chrispy
      Chrispy reacted to Distinterior's post in the thread What van do I buy? with Like Like.
      I have a 2006 Renault Traffic 2.5litre that I bought new.....Its done nearly 220k miles and is still going strong......It still has it's...
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