Recent content by Chrispy

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  1. Chrispy

    Wood identity

    Looks a bit like Accoya.
  2. Chrispy

    Staining 'oak' filler

    A small amount of earth pigment like brown umber or vandyke mixed into your filler will work. Could even try the kids powder paints.
  3. Chrispy

    Sourcing Birch plywood - the good stuff!

    Hi Rob 👋 I have taken another look and there are three sheets two of them are plug free one face snd the third is plug free both faces, not bad for bb/bb grade. They are some that I hot in for stock but I will use them short notice if you don't want them. DM . sent
  4. Chrispy

    Sourcing Birch plywood - the good stuff!

    Did you ever get sorted with this, I have just received two lovely sheets of 12mm Birch ply with no plugs in the top face, haven't looked on the reverse, but you are welcome to one if you want at cost you will need to collect it though. Chris
  5. Chrispy

    Router shock/tingling from body

    I have the same machine and find when using it in a Woodrat it does the same as yours, I put that down to static, presumably created from the air movement through the router.
  6. Chrispy

    Paint removal.

    I'm not the one to give you answers on this one but a bit more information could help, are you talking inside or outside walls, what kind of paint are you referring to, what are you going to use to redecorate with?
  7. Chrispy

    Advice on different brands of MR MDF for MFT suitability

    How, thank you for the recommendation, I was about to say I found the Medite MR is the best that I can find but even that can be uncertain as I believe they make a pro version and a cheaper one often seen in the big sheds and builders merchants, and the people selling it won't necessarily know...
  8. Chrispy


    Looks a bit like Egger lake land Acasia but that is a real long shot, I do think you can search the egger website and order samples though.
  9. Chrispy

    Multico tm scribes

    I have absolutely no idea what you mean. those blocks have just two knives, they do the whole tenon and scribe at the same time.
  10. Chrispy

    Multico tm scribes

    Scribed shoulders for tenons into round legs, ie pedestal tables. I would think Whitehill tools would have blanks or most saw doctors would have a source.
  11. Chrispy

    Multico tm scribes

    This is the bottom block from my TM/3 The angled edge is the top, it is to give relief behind the cutting edge. Cutters are handed for top and bottom blocks you can't switch them round. Bottom on left, top on right all bottom Blanks
  12. Chrispy

    Multico tm scribes

    What is it you don't understand ? I can take some pix tomorrow if it helps.
  13. Chrispy

    CNC Routing Services

    Yes I can always look. I''l pm you my email.
  14. Chrispy

    CNC Routing Services

    Yes, me.
  15. Chrispy

    Hello from the basement

    Hello and welcome 👋