I'm guessing Graham has not googled 1001 things to do with pallets and seen some of the quite remarkable things done with otherwise discarded wood, and I've made my feelings quite clear about this before, but to reiterate; I echo all the positive sentiments made already and I'd counter with "what's the fascination with mocking those who make things from anything other than premium AAA grade super special, grain so amazing you'll weep, wood?" because that has happened more than a few times, in just the few years I've been a member of the forum, and I'll say bluntly it's not exactly "new to the hobby" friendly.
Whether you "get it" or not is irrelevant, the only fact that is relevant is that someone made (or had a go at making) something, and had that chance because the wood was free so it really didn't matter a jot if they borked it once or twice or a dozen times. Whatever they did, however they did it and whatever the level of finished result, the person got something from basically nothing, learned a few things about themselves, and got with that a free side helping of satisfaction and happiness thrown in to boot.
Maybe the dissenters should speak to the forum members who have talked about spending time in their shed with their unskilled children banging scraps of wood together with nails; because age aside, the results are the same.