Hi all
I mostly post in General Woodworking or Hand Tools, but there isn't a section for Foot Tools, so this ought to be the right place.
I've followed an impulse and bought myself a secondhand scroll saw on ebay. I just couldn't resist the fancy foliage work!
It will need a bit of an overhaul, but having had a good look at it, that will just be a question of dismantling, cleaning, greasing and putting it back together again. I've already sent off for some new 3/16" round leather belting. (Any tips on the best way to fix the little wire hook so the end doesn't just tear out?)
Here it is - it's a Trump Brothers Fleetwood no 3, made in Wilmington, Delaware, probably in the 1880s:
I'll show a lot more pictures later as I bring it back into working order, and then I'll be able to show my total ignorance of scroll sawing! This won't be for a while as I am halfway through rebuilding my bench, and need to get that finished before I start playing with this new toy, but I couldn't resist putting some pictures up to show you what I have let myself in for!
I mostly post in General Woodworking or Hand Tools, but there isn't a section for Foot Tools, so this ought to be the right place.
I've followed an impulse and bought myself a secondhand scroll saw on ebay. I just couldn't resist the fancy foliage work!
It will need a bit of an overhaul, but having had a good look at it, that will just be a question of dismantling, cleaning, greasing and putting it back together again. I've already sent off for some new 3/16" round leather belting. (Any tips on the best way to fix the little wire hook so the end doesn't just tear out?)
Here it is - it's a Trump Brothers Fleetwood no 3, made in Wilmington, Delaware, probably in the 1880s:

I'll show a lot more pictures later as I bring it back into working order, and then I'll be able to show my total ignorance of scroll sawing! This won't be for a while as I am halfway through rebuilding my bench, and need to get that finished before I start playing with this new toy, but I couldn't resist putting some pictures up to show you what I have let myself in for!