Peter, I look forward to the Incra expanded range. It is an odd product in that it really needs to be seen in person to appreciate its high quality.
Marcos, I got the extrusion form KJN Aluminium, its Bosch Rexroth style profile. You can get it from other places but I found they were the easiest to deal with. I can recommend them as their cutting is spot on, all of the lengths I ordered were within the exact tolerances I specified.
One thing to note, I have used the 10mm slot profile (in 45x90mm and 45x45mm), however I believe the 8mm slot profile will fit the Festool range of clamps and accessories. To be fair, my Festool clamps will slot in the 10mm however they are a tad sloppy. I ordered some 10mm slot inserts to make my own clamp adaptors. I am going to throw in a test piece of 8mm in my next order to confirm the fit for future projects - I'll update on this when I know more as it may prove useful for others. The reason I went with 10mm slot was mainly down to the size availability in that range, the nearest 8mm equivalent was 30mm and I wanted something sturdier.
I intend to drill the top surface with 20m holes on a standard Festool 96mm grid and run some specific bench dogs off the lathe - that way I can use the surface with my TS55 and the Festool range of accessories with it.