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Established Member
18 Feb 2012
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Long Eaton
So about two weeks ago I spent a not insignificant wodge of my redundancy cash on a 21" Excalibur (what a difference to the Jet JSS 16 I had!!!!) and over the last 5 days I have used my spare time to make my first ever project on it. Pics below. Apologies for the poor quality, they were hastily snapped on my phone. The finished article is a tad wobbly here and there, but for a fairly new scroller using nothing more than an old pallet I am quite chuffed.
Feedback and suggestions welcomed. :D


That's blimmin' impressive! Round wheels, great curves, good proprtions everywhere - yea, love it! And made out of a pallet you say? Genius.
I love seeing people make real things, projects that use a scroll saw to make the component parts of something that doesn't at the end shout 'I'm a scroll saw project!' - proper solids things that become more than just a scrolled single element pattern project (although there some pretty awesome patten cutting projects on here too). Things like this are also great scrolling practice, especially if you are new to it (not that you'd think that you were a relative beginner looking at this) - there are shapes in this that are very exact and uniform and extremely difficult to get right - but they have to be or the finished thing looks a right dogs breakfast. Nobody likes lumpy wheels and dodgy body work.
Keep it up - you'll go far!
Now looking forward to seeing how you finish it...!
I reckon you should be more than a quite chuffed, If I'd made it I'd be over the moon. Well done and thanks for showing. By the way, I'm glad you like the Excalibur, I've got the 16 inch version and it's served me well since I got it 18 months ago.
Hey, thanks for the comments guys. :D
I can't take credit for the design, I purchased a plan from an Internet website for about £8 which made the whole build process quite simple. I was hmming and arrhing for ages at the thought of buying a plan, but I am so glad I did.
Up close there are quite a few blunders and wobbly bits and more than a little bit of sanding went into it, but for a relatively new scroller, I am very pleased with it.
Finish will probably be danish oil or spray lacquer depending on how lazy I am feeling! :lol:
Well and truly have the bug now and I am already planning mark 2!
Love it! excellent work and cool Hot Rod! the kids will love em..... now you have seen how you make it you can adapt the same plans for different styles of custom cars and use the same techniques. Love those flames too

That is a fine piece of work, & a very good use of old pallet wood. =D>

Re the plan, was it a from a UK web site.

No need to apologise for the quality of the images/photos, at least you have mastered the black art of uploading images, as said before, I have great admiration for anyone that can do this. #-o

Take care.

Chris R
Thanks again gents.
Brian, I will definitely be looking into other vehicles to build now, I think I may become an addict. :lol:

Chris, I bought the plan from a Canadian (I think) website here
As for the pictures, it is actually pretty straightforward to post them once you get your head around the process. As with scrolling, keep practising and you will get there!
Great pice of work--- you have done really well--- looking forward to seeing more of your work

Welcome Bodge ,and thanks for posting , your problem now is how can I improve on this . The answer is when you can look at it and say you are happy with it . But hopefully you will keep posting all your work . It makes a lot of us happy . Thank you .
Now I know where I saw your hot rod before. I like the Woody Wagon and Trailer from that website but at 20" long it's a bit big for sticking on top of the gas fire.
Thanks again for the feedback and encouragement everyone, it is most appreciated.

Martin, I did look at the Woody Wagon as well, mainly as I have recently finished building a full size teardrop trailer like that one, but as you say, almost two feet long is perhaps a tad excessive for the mantlepiece! :lol:

Workshop time is mostly being taken up with household chores at the moment but as soon as I have a new project completed, I shall post it up.

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