First table saw - w629?

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Established Member
31 Jul 2015
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Hi all,

Starting to look for my first table saw and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts about the new Charnwood w629. Seems like a decent price for a 10 inch machine.

Toying with the idea of the Axminster TS250 as well, although basically twice the price.

Primarily for hobby work, but with the idea of it lasting a long time :)


p.s. apologies for not providing any links. My account doesn't appear to have the option of giving links yet.
ive just bought a 629 and so far it seems like i made a good choice.
originally i was waiting for the 250 to come back in stock but im glad it never lol
the 629 is pretty solid and the fence doesnt flex or move which i was worried about, although the adjustment isnt great as it can twist now and then on the bar so the left side of the bracket raises a few mm but that can be fixed with some shims made of delrin fixed to the bracket, it could also do with a delrin circle for the tightening head as its just a metal circle which marks the extrusion.
the cross cut angle adjustment isnt all that great/smooth but that can be fixed as its only the bolts/connectors twisting, some tnuts will most likely sort that.
the crosscut table is nice and smooth though
also the depth of cut is about 83mm not the 70mm advertised.
theres some wiggle with the mitre gauge in the slots but i think thats the same whatever budget`ish saw you get.
the extraction pipe inside looks a bit long so il shorten that although its working fine.
but im happy with it and dont regret buying it.
i got mine pre ordered from kendaltools for 650 delivered, its the cheapest i found
Awesome - thanks for your thoughts. The fence was my main concern, so if that is nice and solid, I'm likely sold on the w629.
I got a 250, not the mkII though, for Christmas. But it developed a fault quite quickly and I had to return it. I was waiting for the mkII to come in stock but gave up and got the Charnwood 650 at the last Yandles show. Not what you asked I know, but I am very happy with the 650 as against the axi 250, a far more professional bit of kit.