Critique: Different for me.

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Established Member
6 Jan 2007
Reaction score
Bromham, Wiltshire
I have been wanting to try doing some decorated stuff but not got around to it and so I had a quick go yesterday. Not in the class of many of the things being shown on here but I am open to suggestions for improvement. It's yew, 7" tall and 6" dia. The rim is 1 1/2" thick and textured and dyes. The textured part stands proud of the rim by about 1mm I did put gilt cream on. the idea being that it would remain in the lower parts of the texture and wipe of the high spots but that didn't work. Need to sort out the method for that. Overall I am reasonably pleased though the longer I look at it the more I see to alter and change :lol: and yes I had to leave a little bit of bark on it...wouldn't be mine if I didn't :lol:

Hi Pete,

Subjectively, I like this a lot, your composition is great and adds a nice artistic touch to the rim.

The form is gorge, very nice shape and flow to the outside and inside, I feel your bang on with this and it works very well. I think the chnky look of this piece is also a winner for me.

The texture on the rim needs a bit more work, looks like there is a little gap in the texture rings, you could try and get this more evenly distributed across the rim as I also think this will help when applying any finish on top. Sometimes what I do is apply the finish first then texture on top of that, this way the bits you haven't textured will be left with the finish. Then if you apply a wax or FP then this only gives the finish a shine but won't hide it.

Nice work as usual, your enthusiasm to try new things is always inspiring, and your right about the bark, it's your thing.


Hi Pete

I like the form and proportios of this piece a lot. I think the design sets off the lovely figuring in the wood very well.
I`m not sure that the very regular texturing on top sits comfortably with the free form, natural appearance of the side. For me, this might have worked better on a plainer piece of timber.

Wasn't that keen at first , then looked at the big version (how I still hate having to go elsewhere to get a good look!!) and changed my mind. It makes sense when you can see it properly. Love the detail and the fact that the decoration just skirts the missing bit of rim. Ace.
hi pete
i love the proportions of this, chunky, beautiful colour and shape but as Lee has said i think the detail needs a touch more, well detail really.
As always, great stuff..
Thanks for the input guys. As I said it is pretty much a new area for me so I will take on board the comments. My thinking was to keep the texturing etc fairly minimal as the grin etc was so strong. maybe from what is being said the opposite is needed. The texturing was done with a spiralling tool on the end grain, I wasn't too sure wht effect it would have but it turned out better than I expected. Long way to go yet though.


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