Another happy wadkin owner!

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12 Nov 2010
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Hi all. Even as an absolute newbi, it´s great to know that others also share passion for old Wadkin table saw´s.
When I was younger I helped my old man, in his company, who made made signes. There was a nice little woodworking place, and there stood an old Wadkin ags10...
It was many years ago, but I never forget all the time I spend with that saw! So a few months ago, after starting my own company, I start looking for a smiliar saw! I find this one, and I paid aprx. GBP. 730.
Quite expensive, but I knew it´s worth it!
I´ll post some pics. of the restoration, just to show you that even in Denmark we appreciate good quality iron cast products from UK.
First 2 pics. from the guy I bought it from.
Pic. 3 every part is being detached, and cleaned.
Pic. 4-7 Back together again. Repainted, greased, adjusted.
New parts: Motorstarter with buillt in emergency stop. New bolt´s where it was needed. Rivingknife and guard. Mitre Guage from Dakota. (Rutlands)
A new sheet metal part inside, to get the dust down to hole for DC.
A piece of POM, for the fence. (not installed yet) + a new fine blade.

Yet to come: restoration the sliding table. (a bursfold look-a-like thing!!),
Find money for a new Fence adjuster..
Making a assembly for correct mounting af the riving knife..
(Help wanted, ref. pics. etc!)

Hope you enjoy it.
Best regards. Rasmus
Hope you can see this: ... 52/Wadkin#
WOW! That is one of the most beautiful restorations I have seen...


Makes one proud to be British!

Brilliant job! Did you ship is ALL the way to Denmark from the UK!? That must have cost a fortune!

Really enjoyed seeing that!

Excellent job Rasmus, you cant do better than the old Wadkins I've got a dm morticer, a lathe and a 400mm disk sander which all work as well as the day they were made
Great work, congratulations.

My BRT10 (basically an AGS with sliding table) has a different riving knife/blade guard mounting. The sliding table is not currently fitted.

I expect you've looked at the AGS manuals on as there is different information in the different versions

On mine, the bracket mounting is a single bar

and this has an adjustable clamping assembly that fits on to the bar and the riving knife




HI again.
Att. Misterfish.
The mounting plate for riving knife, is mounted onto the plate / assembly with the motor.. I dont quite see the point of this.. Maybe someone here
has a similar setup ??
But maybe it´s same mounting assembly used, in different mounting setup´s ?
You have made a superb job of your AGS, looks great. I have posted a picture of mine. This is a 1960 machine. I completely stripped it down, every nut bolt etc, re-sprayed, new bearings and motor. Its a great saw.

I use it every day

Hi superunknown.
Another Beauty!!!!
Nearly the same color as mine. Yes, it´s a great tool!
What kind of riving knive mounting assembly on yours ??
Regards Rasmus
Having used Wadkin for nearly 25 years they are by far the best machinery going ! I am now using Felder and they are over priced rubbish ,with limited usage . Keep to Wadkin and you wont go wrong !
What's interesting about much of this older stuff is the way it betrays the mindset behind its design and construction, and more to the point what we have lost with a lot of the modern stuff and our scatty ways of thinking.

No doubt there was crap about then too, but the better stuff is so perfectly and honestly yet unassumingly thought out. Every single detail element so suited to purpose - it simply doesn't seem to have been conceivable to that mindset to put out a piece of kit that wasn't (a) a lifetime job, and (b) very finely tuned to purpose.

All those so called modern so called innovations and improvements that actually are not and lead to stuff that simply doesn't do the intended job (many are actually flights of fancy, or to provide a platform for marketing hype or a cover for skimping - or even change for the sake of change) it seems would have been unthinkable - and more to the point would have resulted in instant failure in the marketplace.

You see it in many areas of life (price increases for example) - but when rapid change sets in that destroys previously solid values it's like people loose their bearings - that once they have taken a few punches you can slip almost anything past them...
Rasmus H Breck":125mm0c6 said:
HI again.
Att. Misterfish.
The mounting plate for riving knife, is mounted onto the plate / assembly with the motor.. I dont quite see the point of this.. Maybe someone here
has a similar setup ??
But maybe it´s same mounting assembly used, in different mounting setup´s ?

It is a parallegram type system so that the mounting bar for the bracket is parallel to the table surface irrespective of the height of the blade and it also allows the riving knife height and distance from the arbor to be widely adjusted. Although a 10" model it will allow the use of blades from 190mm diameter to about 305mm (as well as stacked dado and moulding heads)

If you look at page 37 of ... s_List.pdf you can see an exploded parts layout for a similar based Wadkin machine.

Hi Misterfish.
I understand the parallel system. I´m searching for saw´s with a similar
mounting setup for the riving knife, where it´s mounted together with the motor platform. Haven´t found it in any manuals etc.
I´ll post some pics showing how it´s done.
PS. Was the parallel system an add-on to the saw ??

Regards Rasmus
Riving knife mystery solved !
After looking twice..or more, I found the reason to why I couldn't
find similar setup. My saw has been a victim to a selfmade riving knife mounting setup by a PO...
A construction is made an mounted on the side of the Motor platform,
and it´s has been nessesary to CUT AWAY some iron cast, to allow this setup to rise and fall... Hmmmm. :evil:
It will never be able to parallel movement, unless I find a
used "riving knife assembly kit" . (Somebody know where to look? :D )

Regards Rasmus
Rasmus H Breck":1n1k1cps said:
Hi Misterfish.
I understand the parallel system. I´m searching for saw´s with a similar
mounting setup for the riving knife, where it´s mounted together with the motor platform. Haven´t found it in any manuals etc.
I´ll post some pics showing how it´s done.
PS. Was the parallel system an add-on to the saw ??

Regards Rasmus

No, it's the original system. My saw had relatively light use as it was installed in a school for nearly all of its working life.

That saw is marvellous. Well done.
Had a chance some years back to get an AGS but there was so much missing
and at a heavy price I left it alone.
Would like to find another one to restore to replace the eastern box I have got.
Not that easy to find in darkest africa though.

I'm new to this forum but a fellow member pointed me in your direction, I'm after the components to connect the riving to the saw, I've seen a photo of the parallel bar system, I think that is the correct one for my machine. Do you have part no.'s for this or is it something I have to get made?


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