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Established Member
18 Oct 2016
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Blue mountains Australia
In another lock down here so nothing for it but play in the shed.
For some time I had been thinking of making a moxon vice as bending over the bench is not so much fun for my old bones. I was looking about for the hardware when I got the idea that quick clamps would likely do the job just as well. Knocked up a quick proof of concept job in pine to see how it goes.

The base board is glued and screwed to the back jaw to provide a way to clamp it to a surface. After nearly choking at the price of the Benchcrafted moxon screws and wheels kit I just wanted something simple.
I have a pair of unused fence post height-adjustable support plate thingies on the shelf. Every time I walk past them, I think "Hmmm Moxon ?" Might get to it sometime ! )
I made my moxon last year from scraps. It uses cams instead of screws. I copied this youtube video by John McGrath. A nice idea that seems to work. Simple construction and zero cost.
my moxon, originally just made from reclaimed hardwood window cills, then the back section was added and the end vice to turn it into a raised bench; threaded rods and curtain poles filled with cement as rails to take the strain off the threaded rods. Under the flat section there are thick sections of wood that the white rails slide through, to take the cantilever of the front vice.

The jaws have a very slight spring to them left to right, to help with end clamping, and faced with old leather trousers!

The 2 pronged wooden thing in the rear of the first photo is the handle to turn them fast.


  • Moxon vice (21).JPG
    Moxon vice (21).JPG
    224.8 KB · Views: 48
  • Moxon vice bench (3).JPG
    Moxon vice bench (3).JPG
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I made mine from some old dumbbell bars. Once I removed all the plastic, they were threaded along the whole length, so perfect.


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