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  • X
    XTiffy replied to the thread Heavy Duty Grass.
    Toolstation has two types of ground or lawn protection. Either platic tiles that clip together and fill with earth/grass seed or a...
  • M
    meccarroll replied to the thread Garden plaques.
    The lettering stands out really well.
  • W
    Hi everyone 😀 The plan was to make one nice calligraphy pen....that was about 10 years and a few hundred pens ago 🤣
  • M
    meccarroll replied to the thread Garden plaques.
    I just checked what bits I used for the V.Carve on the below plaque and for the words The House I used a 60 deg V bit. I did a pocket...
    • A Plaqiue (Copy).jpg
  • C
    Chief Sawdust Maker replied to the thread Garden plaques.
    Great work You may find a product called Oramask useful its a film you apply prior to cutting the letters then after you have painted...
  • X
    This lock is known as a Box Lock. Savills in Scarborough list them but these days unbelievable prices (but what isn't to us old fogeys!)
  • X
    XTiffy replied to the thread Euro hinges.
    Mrs C, Well said. Unfortunately there are those keyboard warriors who can't help themselves and sadly on this forum too!
  • K
    KeenToLearn reacted to TRITON's post in the thread Buying a first bandsaw with Like Like.
    Just exactly how big is your workshop ? In reality a bandsaw, be it 10,12 or 14 has a very similar sized footprint, and sitting on a...
  • T
    A soft faced thorex hammer is a very handy tool for a toolbox. Good for hitting things you don’t want to damage the surface of. Also...
  • K
    KeenToLearn reacted to CaptainBudget's post in the thread Buying a first bandsaw with Like Like.
    TRITON beat me to it. My workshop is tiny (half of a partitioned single garage, and a small one at that). I was in the OP's position ~5...
  • X
    XTiffy reacted to Mrs C's post in the thread Euro hinges with Like Like.
    Apologies, but this made me a little bit cross. The majority of the answers to questions asked on this forum are available from...
  • G
    Geoff_S reacted to Robbo3's post in the thread Joke Thread 5 with Like Like.
  • Tris
    Tris replied to the thread Bottled gas lines.
    Sounds like bad gas pressure if both the old and new one do it. It is possible to check your system pressure with a manometer yourself...
  • C
    I have built uo a collection of more chisels than I could possibly ever use in my lifetime and there are a few Footprints in amongst...
  • Eshmiel
    Eshmiel replied to the thread Sharpening conspiracy!.
    You'd better inform Chris Pye and several other master carvers then - they've all been doing it wrong and should adopt the Jacob, er...