Established Member
Has anyone come across this sort of company before? http://www.mailforwarding.biz/
Could having a US address to send your purchase too, have any real benifit?
One small way that we might benifit is with American Woodworking magazines. I don't know if you have noticed, but quite often these mag's offer a 'Pay For 12 Months Get The Second 12 Months Free', if you take out a subscription with them. But you then find out that this offer is only for US and Canadian Citizens, so the US address could help you here. On the other hand after you paid their fee's, would it be worth it?
Then there could be some pitfalls such as:
Some American states, if not all, charge taxes (a bit like our VAT), and that normally if we buy something over the net, from say Lee Valley, and have it sent directly to the UK, we do not pay any of these US taxes, but if we had it sent direct to a US address, would'nt we have to pay their taxes and then our own 17 1/2% when it landed at our shores?
In the cold light of day, are there any real benifits?
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Could having a US address to send your purchase too, have any real benifit?
One small way that we might benifit is with American Woodworking magazines. I don't know if you have noticed, but quite often these mag's offer a 'Pay For 12 Months Get The Second 12 Months Free', if you take out a subscription with them. But you then find out that this offer is only for US and Canadian Citizens, so the US address could help you here. On the other hand after you paid their fee's, would it be worth it?
Then there could be some pitfalls such as:
Some American states, if not all, charge taxes (a bit like our VAT), and that normally if we buy something over the net, from say Lee Valley, and have it sent directly to the UK, we do not pay any of these US taxes, but if we had it sent direct to a US address, would'nt we have to pay their taxes and then our own 17 1/2% when it landed at our shores?
In the cold light of day, are there any real benifits?
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