That's a really interesting view from someone with experience - if branding wasn't important, why does every professionally made product we own have a brand on it and why do companies spend so much effort protecting that brand? How have you forged a 30 year career in branding if a brand isn't important?
As I sit writing this, literally everything I can see that is some kind of tool has a brand on it somewhere. Even a 10p biro has a brand on it. My kids will only buy things with certain brands on them and will knowingly pay a lot more for a worse produce if that brand happens to be a piece of fruit with a bite taken out of it.
And if it isn't branded when they are asked that question, they will say "Sorry - I can't remember and I can't google it because there's no kind of indication on it whatsoever". Am I the only person who forgets where they bought this or that widget? I bought some castors a few years ago that were great. They have no markings on them. I need some more, but can't for the life of me remember where I bought them. The same with sanding sheets (once out the box, who knows who made them?).