Next is my small storage area, nuts, bolts screw, small tools whoever this is very much work in progress, I have only got the Raaco drawers and the Bisley drawers and the bigger metal drawers in the last few months and I'm slowly sifting through all sorts of boxes to tidy the away properly, I even bought a nice labelling machine. I just got sick of knowing I had the nut/bolt/screw/tool but couldn't find it.
And back to the entrance which is on the right. The bench on the right came with the house, its wooden but with a steel top and a vice. The bench on the left is the assembly bench made from an old kitchen worktop currently being used to sort out all the bits for the toy Land rover. The bike is my exercise bike that plugs into the PC on the top left, its a pain in the harris however I do need to keep fit, so I will be looking for a new home for this.
So you may be thinking, where's all his woodworking hand tools? They are currently salted away in various drawers awaiting me to partition off the first 5m of the workshop so I can create a nicer warmer space that I can put them. Basically its part of the grand plan that goes something like this
1.) Sell RAS and router table
2.) Dump loads of old PC stuff
3.) finish off kids toy car
4.) finish off tractor renovation
5.) Big tidy up and move stuff around a bit
6.) build partition and put down nice floor in that area
7.) build Roubo bench
8.) Start doing some proper woodwork without falling over stuff!