You've changed your title to suggest older people aren't "to blame".
Yes, we are. Really.
Even if we forgive ignorance (and, by and large, we shouldn't; the law doesn't for example) people that are now in their 50s, 60s and 70s - which includes me - have:
1. built an economic model of debt-fuelled growth that is fundamentally unsustainable and unstable
2. ingrained a dogma that fulfilment and "success" are derived from material/wealth accumulation and actively diminished the value of community and contribution to community
3. continued to pursue greenhouse-gas rich interests waaaaaay after the incontrovertible science to the contrary
4. allowed, facilitated or supported a growth of inequality in everything - economic, educational, health, recourse to law, *everything* - that is utterly immoral
Most of this has happened through pursuit of self-interest by said 50s-60s-70s, but we should not lose sight of the important role of immediate self-gratification within that.
Am I guilty? Yes... and ashamed and angry. We've let our young people down.
And if the life purpose of one generation is not to make the world better for the next, what the hell is it?
I would refute most of that with a simple caveat aded to the beginning of each of your points: "some".
Your posts reads like it's 100% coverage when that is simply untrue and frankly an incredibly egregious oversimplification of very complex matters.
Not everyone lives way beyond thier means. - Banks have the majority share of the blame for both the ability of the people to have debt fuelled growth, it's how they made money and also in part for the ingrained dogma that success is derived from material wealth.
"Want a NICER car? Have a loan". "Want a larger pool than your neighbours? Have a loan." "exotic holiday? loan" "cosmetic surgery? loan"
"Need a new oxen? I'll loan you some sheckels against your harvest this year".
This is not new, infact this hasn't been new since the first "coins" were minted thousands of years ago.
We still use fossil fuels because solar and other non nuclear forms of energy are not even close to performing as needed - even solar "net zero" houses are rare, almost all of them are still tied to the grid to compensate for low power days, and almost all of those net zero houses are in countries with LOTS OF SUNSHINE. Yet despite ALL of this undeniable proof that "green power" is a long way off being a serious, vaible alternative, nuclear is universally reviled by "the greens" - because they are idiots and most importantly, despite it being the ONLY form of CURRENT technology that can replace fossil fuels kilowatt output; yet because of some unfortunate incidents, numbering only a few in the last 50 years and several of which could have been prevented, suddenly, nuclear power is anathema - well... guess what? Planes crash all the time - one only very recently, yet people still fly (or did) in thier millions every year, so what's your (the greens) point exactly?
LESS people have died from nuclear incidents in it's entire history than have died in plane crashes for the same period of time, 66 years - but apparently that fact "isn't relevant" when assessing the dangers of nuclear power.
There are nuclear power plants now so small and self contained they practically manage themselves - they are on submarines.
One teenager in the USA MADE ONE IN HIS GARAGE!
I'll also point out "the greens" age group HAS ALWAYS spanned 10-100, with as many if not MORE of the younger generation among them - so your claim this situation is on those 40 or older is so much poppycock.
I'll also state that the goal of "the greens" is noble insofar as reducing the pollution of the atmosphere and global warming and abunch of other stuff, HOWEVER, ignoring the realities of TODAY, and the energy needs of TODAY for the dream of a reality that might not be feasable for decades is incredibly naive, and energy shortages are going to be even more commonplace, lol and we now have electric cars to feed as well.... you couldn't make it up.
as to 4) - Oh my... where do I even begin.... are you actually stating you are of the opinion that "inequality in everything" is a NEW phenomena, having happened in the last say 80 years - or are you even vaguely aware that "inequality in everything" has been happening since the dawn of life itself?
Inequality is inherent in nature, and always has been - stronger, fitter, faster, smarter - weaker, less able, slower, less intelligent - maybe you should familairise yourself with the work of Charles Darwin, he's quite well known for a book he wrote a while ago.
Are the ones gifted with natural talents supposed to ignore them, at the cost of thier own quality of life, as long as it doesn't upset the snowflakes - or should they be allowed to tap that resource and be the best they can be?
Should we remunerate a highly gifted brain surgeon the same salary as a dentist?
What about sport - say - racing drivers - should we ban that because they get paid millions for risking thier lives (and deaths still happen).
Should we stop all forms of entertainment lest they become "too rich" - as an example should we limit the sales of music to only a few thousand copies, so the singer and writer doesn't earn too much? Not feasable, as those copies will themselves become worth a great deal - collectors items like art - so we've no choice but to allow open, unlimited sales - so then where does the rest of the money go? Can't go to the publisher or they will become billionaires... how about charities? Ok WHICH charities - there's not enough money earned by all the entertainers on earth to be meaningful if spread out among ALL charites, so WHICH CHARITY - WHO makes that choice - randomly like bingo, or based on merit - ok merit - so then WHICH is the MOST meritous - Cancer - heart disease - all the different forms of childrens charity - parkinsons - poverty in the 3rd world (no because we already throw billions at that and it's done FA)
and on and on and on
Didn't take me more than a couple of minutes to prove how ridiculous that viewpoint is.
Humanity uses the universally exchangeable currency of money - because gold is limited, and the barter system hasn't been viable for any sized conurbation population over a few dozen people for oh 1000 years give or take.
I REALLY wish people would learn a bit more history - it would help an awful lot.
Edit - before you start accusing me of being part of the problem and a "capitalistic pig" - I fully agree that there are far too many people paid sums of money that are so far in excess of their actual worth it's obscene.
However as the saying goes - "Capitalism is crap - but it's still better than all the other options." and we will always have inequality for as long as humanity exists, because "survival of the fittest" in ALL IT'S FORMS is hardwired into every species on earth and none of us are born equally.
This is the world you live in - maybe you should pay a bit more attention.