Wobbly grinder wheel...


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Established Member
19 Aug 2008
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I now have a few tools and a new grinder for my lathe :D . The grinder is from Axminster with one 40mm wide, white wheel and a 40 grit 20mm wheel. The narrow wheel runs true with no wobble but the white wheel wobbles by about 1mm when it's spinning (up and down, not side to side, as if it's not dead centre). Is this something I should be speaking to Axminster about or is it fairly normal? Should I try refitting it on to the spindle or just ask for a replacement?
Thanks Dave, some good advice there. I'll contact Axminster and see what they say. Must also get some full face protection ASAP...
Phoned Axminster. They're going to send me a free stick for dressing the wheel. Should do the trick, I hope...
Hi Paul,
A wheel slightly out of true isn't unusual, mostly they are very close to true but sometimes they need a bit more correction. You will need to dress the wheel anyway, so a free wheel dresser is a good result.

Johnny B
Received the dressing stick from Axminster today and now I have a balanced grinder. Thanks for your help on this one! :D