So after the current job is nearly finished, it's on to the next one. I'm building a small decking area and a pergola to sit on top of the decking. Wooo!
But Morfa, aren't you doing something with your shed? What about the kitchen? What about not starting projects when you've still got enough wood to sink a battleship in your middle room upstairs (seriously, I've got enough for a kitchen's worth of doors, a cabinet and several chopping boards and another big bit of 'just in case' wood). Eeeerrrr. Yeaaaaahhhh. Actually have you even fitted the vice to the workbench properly?
So rough plan of action now that I've got prices from the yard for the wood is as follows:
8ft by 8ft section of decking, with a 'corner pergola' on top of the decking. This will have the slats on top of the decking going out in a 'sun ray' pattern. So basically I'll be building a triangle and then spreading the slats out. I'm going to use 2x6s for the slats and 4x4s for the uprights. Sound ok?
I reckon the decking will take a weekend and the pergola will take a weekend as well. Roughly. The bulk of the job will actually be making sure the ground is level for the decking to go on it. I then saw a nice idea about concreteing a steel rod into the ground and then screwing the posts onto the steel rod.
Any pro-tips for the decking?
Should it be straight onto the ground? I suspect that a small drainage ditch around the outside would be a good idea? The bearers that are on the floor will be fully painted and pressure treated wood. In fact it all will be.
Also, screws? Or nails?
But Morfa, aren't you doing something with your shed? What about the kitchen? What about not starting projects when you've still got enough wood to sink a battleship in your middle room upstairs (seriously, I've got enough for a kitchen's worth of doors, a cabinet and several chopping boards and another big bit of 'just in case' wood). Eeeerrrr. Yeaaaaahhhh. Actually have you even fitted the vice to the workbench properly?
So rough plan of action now that I've got prices from the yard for the wood is as follows:
8ft by 8ft section of decking, with a 'corner pergola' on top of the decking. This will have the slats on top of the decking going out in a 'sun ray' pattern. So basically I'll be building a triangle and then spreading the slats out. I'm going to use 2x6s for the slats and 4x4s for the uprights. Sound ok?
I reckon the decking will take a weekend and the pergola will take a weekend as well. Roughly. The bulk of the job will actually be making sure the ground is level for the decking to go on it. I then saw a nice idea about concreteing a steel rod into the ground and then screwing the posts onto the steel rod.
Any pro-tips for the decking?
Should it be straight onto the ground? I suspect that a small drainage ditch around the outside would be a good idea? The bearers that are on the floor will be fully painted and pressure treated wood. In fact it all will be.
Also, screws? Or nails?