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I do agree that males and females communicate differently but then there is often an age issue as well. My Mum is in her late 60's and honestly I loose track of what she is saying. She could be trying to say "I went into the theatre box office and bought the tickets" but honestly that would take her 5 minutes to tell me that as it would go off on multiple tangents about where she parked, what the weather was like and that she went past Mrs Smith's on the way. "You remember her, she had the boys, they were a couple of years older than you, Daniel went to Durham and did sociology but he didn't get on with his lecturer and ended up leaving. I think he moved to Swindon after that and ended up with that nice girl from Frobisher gardens, you know the blond girl that was always wearing the flowery dresses" etc etc. I'm sure you get the idea. I love my mum and as her only son I do want to appear interested but I honestly can't cope. I really do lose the will to live. I took her to a Carol service last week. It was about a 30 min journey and she talked the whole way and I barely said a word.

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