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Hi all, wondered if you could help me as im tryig to find a parts list for this thickness planer pictured below. I cant find either the make or model of this thicknesser planer. I was told twhen i bought it that it was a Sedgewick but if you look at the 2nd [icture of the thicknesser rise and fall wheel you can see its jutting out from the corner of the machine by 45 degrees and I can t for the life of me find any Sedgewick, Kitty, Wadkin, Elektra Beckum Multico Dominion etc anywhere on line that has this angled wheel. Ive looked all over the machine and the only markings I can find are on the castings. Its got a bit of quality to it ie very heavy and cast solid fence but I really want to find the make and model. If anyone truely knows and can send me a link rather than just a make they think it is that theyve seen online or has the same model to this machine Id be greatful.