I have an old AEI Motor with a 16mm shaft that works fine and I want to build a 12" bench disc sander with it. The problem is that it doesn't have a keyed shaft and I need to attach an 18mm ply disc to it. I've tried a press fit using a piece of steel pipe glued into a ply block that was screwed into the ply disc but I just can't get it to spin without it slightly wobbling and eventually coming loose. I've tried finding a flange coupler (which would be ideal as you screw the flange to the disc and secure the 16mm female to the shaft with set screws, but I can't for the life of me find a 16mm ID one, the largest I've found is 14mm ID. I don't really want to glue the disk to the shaft as there is no room for error and it might not work, ruining the motor.
Can anybody advise please?
Can anybody advise please?