Hallo everyone, sorry I have been out of circulation for some time, which brings me to my point: I am in my 70's and contemplating what I must do to minimise any inconvenience caused by my death. I have a 400 sq ft workshop, loaded with machines, power tools, hand tools and materials. No-one in the family is remotely interested in woodwork (yes we are a deprived family... :? ). Local schools & colleges would be happy to cherry-pick, but don't have the facility for a mass uplift. My local dealer has disappeared (Jack of all trades, Wimborne - what happened to them?). Should she survive me, it is not something my wife would be able to deal with. I will be happy to give the stuff away, or leave it as a legacy in my will, but to whom? I would prefer to leave it all to someone who could make use of it, rather than take it to a scrap yard. I'm sure this has come up before; if yes, can someone direct me to the appropriate thread, if not, then perhaps it is a topic that would invite useful discussion.
I look forward to ay response. Thanks in hope.
I look forward to ay response. Thanks in hope.