HI Lurker no problem
I know what you mean about H&S when it is usually some over paid under worked civil servant or such like trying to justify their position and salary.
In this case though it did come from the FSA or similar body. It was another one of those badly written laws/rules that instead of being written properlly to target the area they were aiming at it was as usual a scatter gun effect which had effects on other areas.
It happened about 5/6 years ago, if I remember correctlly. At the time where my son worked they had a tray with about 20 different sauces on which was taken to the tables when requested. Each pot had an individual spoon and the pots were changed at least every hour if not sooner so they always looked fresh. The tray was kept in a small cooler between being used. The sauces were a mixture of brought in and made on the premecise.
They had a visit from the inspectors and one of them spotted the tray being used and mentioned that they could no longer do this because of this regulation. The company checked and found that it did stop them from offering this service so they changed the procedure.
What they then started to do, and still do, is if a customer asked for sauce the waiter would go and get individual pots made up for that customer by one of the lower chefs. This system is more expensive and time consuming but the customers like it and it is within the rules.