I guess you're not a fan then Tom, but as such I wonder why you've watched nearly all his videos?
These Youtube 'experts' (an old boss of mine defined 'expert' where ex is a has been and spert is a drip under pressure) make their living from these videos, some are good some not so much. Sellers' target market is people starting out in woodworking and those who wish to improve; he doesn't aim his videos at very experienced people like yourself. If I don't like a particular way he does things I move on and I've watched many Youtube videos and learned a great deal along the way. As I've said, he does irritate me at times and I am far from an avid fan, but I have learned from him (more on chiselling than planing) but I fail to see your justifications for your personal attacks on the man. The proof you call for is the huge following he clearly has, a lot of woodworkers do like what he demonstrates, but if you and other very experienced and talented woodworkers don't agree with his methods then by all means say so, but personal attacks like this are somewhat beneath you and unnecessary.
The thing is I ain't very experienced, but have learned how to plane from the best.
The hand plane is so hugely important to hand tool woodworking, and certainly not something to learn down the road, start off with good habits rather than bad ones kinda thing, and
progress rapidly!
Couldn't care less if he or anyone else may have an irritating personality,
doesn't bother me in the slightest bit whatsoever, yet I see folks bringing this up
constantly rather than the
actual important stuff.
This confuses me greatly, maybe it's part of the act and folks are actually getting annoyed at the whole package regarding to the misleading nature of the planing.
A friend brought over some of Paul's videos before, where he was in a castle with tense music like the results of some bake off finale,
Still the same bad habits as seen on youtube.
My mate wasn't too pleased about bursting that bubble, but one has to remember...
It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them that they have been fooled!
A huge following ain't proof of anything, that comment was to get my own personal attacks, which I'm still waiting for in video format.
This is the proof I'm referring to, and not pot shot comments which are vague at best.
Beneath me and unnecessary, not so.
I ain't here to make friends or be friendly, although try to most of the time,
I'm looking out for myself, and won't stand for misleading behavior, especially so regarding important stuff like not ruining planes.
I don't want to see that cloud again.
Maybe the cast iron got to me'ead that day, luckily I came out of that anguish.
Some like myself might not have, so you'll have to believe I'm out for myself as good karma is an obligation to me.
I could imagine the same deal with someone spending every penny they had on stock, ,they might be deeply upset with themselves.
It's just someone with a similar brain to myself which is why I stoop so low.
Maybe I should just make some videos instead, like the lapping one which is a terrible watch, but I don't care, as it might just save someone out there.
Nothing to do with any "hobby horse" if you will.
That goes for a lot of folks, not just Sellars, but possibly its the long winded stories which gives folks false confidence to place all their faith in his approach regarding anything to do with planes, which may be why.
I'm still game for learning from anyone though, not too proud to be ignorant.
What other online woodworkers content, DVD’s, books would you recommend Tom?
Someone here who has mostly followed Paul Sellers so far and had no clue how to even take a shaving with a hand plane a few years ago but who is always keen to improve.
If you're looking for something specifically to do with hand planing for free, then I'd suggest the
one single particular Cosman video I've timestamped, and mentioned multiple times, has some hidden tips which tells all, if you can discount the rest
but there is other carp involved also, remember the guy has ten kids and sells tools.
Combine the useful bits regarding planing on the bench, and referencing off of it,
with Mr Charlesworth's videos and you can make sense of it easily.
Reference of the bench, good habits, stopped shavings, the principal of all things flat
That covers pretty much everything you need...
until tearout is of concern, then it's over to Mr Weaver and I suggest no one else
as most have got it wrong.
He will show you how a fine panel plane and smoother should be setup.
Everyone else is still in the dark about this.
One has to discount everything they have learned regarding anyone else and read the woodcentral and watch his utubes regarding the cap iron.
This has everything to do with the plane setup and make one realize the red herrings of many.
Going back to hand planing, and not the proper setup of the plane...
You could buy Charlesworth's videos on the matter, the one at a show was a damn good watch, and I learned a heckuva lot overnight, without even picking up a hand plane.
Trouble is, if you buy something, then you fall into a hole of "getting your moneys worth" and likely wouldn't progress near as quickly with total honesty and unbiased attitude.
Charlesworth's planing technique videos won't see you wrong,
the worst that will likely happen is one will get fed up with tearout and progress afterwards.
No bothers, as at least you will have honesty and the stock will actually be accurately planed by then, rather than still on some pathetic drip feed system from whomever else who is selling videos, trying to find out why ones planing ain't going so well.
Thats my flat bench rant over .
Happy to get slated, I don't take offense, call me what ye like and I'll still say hello.
Suppose I could just rip off/ parrot Charlesworth's stuff and stick it up on youtube,
That would be a heck of a lot more distasteful in my eyes than slating anyone.
They say copying is the ultimate compliment,
and I could even add my own bit, from what I've learned from David, so it wouldn't be
total content thievery, and one more thing regarding the crowned bench (1/64" over 7 foot) a hard lesson which may be in another of his videos?
It seems to me no-one on earth could explain something like Charlesworth did,
even though I could do it silently but it doesn't sit well for me TBH.
Be like ripping off music, that's how well Charlesworth spoke.
Maybe I'll rope in some slave young fella, and make him do the work instead.
I just made a pointer today so could be like a teacher of olde.
Back of the hand kinda deal, lol.
Still ranting about my hobby horse.
Regarding some other woodwork, another departed master was Mr Phil Lowe.
Look up on youtube "The art of woodworking" series.
I think it was produced by a TV crowd.
Beware some waterstones are used, but you can skip those bits.
Forums are likely better for what you wish to know for the next month's work,
as you can get referrals to utubes if you need, without glazing over,
but more importantly get the results you're after
without getting sucked into buying tools which you could be getting for a song instead.
Some of the tidiest workers will have you believe you need it all,
There's a cheap
old tool for everything which can be made to work equally well or better 99% of the time, this is where the forums comes into play when looking for the alternative from someone honest.
Betcha won't ask me anything again, lol.
Most write shorter messages than I.
All the best
Now, time for me to get a good dollop of abuse, since I dished out a fair bit!