A neighbour had a tree chopped down in their garden, and let me have a few bits from the pile. I asked because the colour seemed really quite special. The way the heartwood is a totally different from the sapwood is really striking.
Does anyone have any idea what it might be? I'm guessing it must be deciduous as there were no stray leaves in the pile. I've taken a few photos - hopefully someone cleverer than me can help to identify it.
The only other things I can add are that some of the bark has little red spots on it, it feels reasonably dense (though hard to judge as I don't know how dry it is), it's lovely to carve, and the photos are pretty accurate: the heartwood is indeed a nice chocolaty brown.
Does anyone have any idea what it might be? I'm guessing it must be deciduous as there were no stray leaves in the pile. I've taken a few photos - hopefully someone cleverer than me can help to identify it.
The only other things I can add are that some of the bark has little red spots on it, it feels reasonably dense (though hard to judge as I don't know how dry it is), it's lovely to carve, and the photos are pretty accurate: the heartwood is indeed a nice chocolaty brown.