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One type of single phase motor has a capacitor permanantly wired in (psc = permanent split capacitor) . 20uF for an 1100W motor would be right, so 60uF sounds waay too much for a 750W PSC motor.

Another type (cap start, or cap start, cap run) has a bigger capacitor connected for only a couple of seconds while starting. 60uF sounds big but I've seen lathes with a 150uF start cap so maybe not. That type of motor normally has a centrifugal switch in it to disconnect the start cap when the motor is up to speed.

Cap start usually goes with cap run. Ie, 2 capacitors, one bigger, one much smaller, and the switch swaps between them. But a motor will run off a single winding once spinning so some cap start motors don't have a second cap.

There are tables on the web of typical cap sizes for start and for PSC. They get bigger as the horsepower increases.

