Waste disposal


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Established Member
21 Oct 2014
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South Norfolk
I went to my waste recycling centre this AM to drop 7 bags of sawdust and shavings, cost me £8.00 with VAT (I have a Waste transfer licence so all registered and legit)

In its infinite wisdom Norfolk County Council are now, as of 18th November, going to change the criteria and charge according to the vehicle you turn up in, and I will need to book to go..

So in light of that, my £8.00 I paid to day will become:

Next they will be wondering why fly tipping is on the increase, then put up the cost of legit waste disposal further to cover the increased spend to recover fly tipped materials.

It’s not rocket science!
It is make money , I now have to pay £55.00 to have my garden waste bin emptied once ever two weeks , And only 9 months of the year , That is on top of my council tax that I pay . Everyone is after your money .
Our local council are considering limiting the number of visits you can make to the dump in any 1 year. So presumably granny who lives down rhe street from there and hand carries a shopping bag full of waste gets the same 12 visits as the family with their chelsea tractor full ?
I know I don't produce as many shavings etc, but I give all of mine to the gardener of a large house and he uses it in his compost bins to balance out the green matter ie grass and hedge trimmings.

But, in Gloucestershire, when I do go to the tip, I have to book. When this started, during the pandemic, the system realised that, if you had certain GL20 post codes, you weren't actually a Glos rate payer so I had to go many more miles to Pershore. However, either they have change computer system or criteria as I can now book!


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