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The model is the 155 and judging by the shear weight , the size of the guide rails, heavy duty steel box section, channel and angle iron frame, and the fact that all the necessary adjustments can be made with the tightest of tolerances lead me to believe that the overall build quality puts Elcon pretty high on the list of quality pieces of kit.


So I'm guessing that anyone using 'crap' and 'Elcon' in the same sentence can only be someone with no mechanical knowledge, appreciation or sensitivity of well built machinery or indeed any ability whatsoever to fine tune their own machines.  


Anyway having got that of my chest.  I'm pleased to say that I managed to set up the frame using a precision clinometer (spirit level/protractor), that I just happen to have and reckon that I've got the frame to within +/- 30 seconds of a minute of a degree from one end to the other.  That's about 1mm over 3 meters.  I'm guessing I now need to check out how accurately it's cutting sheets, AND indeed how I fare with repeat cuts ! Maybe I will finish up with egg on my face afterall.


Good advice on 'trueing up the bottom blocks' with the saw to ensure the accuracy of horizontal cuts- thanks for that.


Watch this space


