I was reluctant to post this as with "birch ply" seems to be a common occurrence, however everything seems to be posted to suppliers that will only sell to "the trade".
Are there any suppliers that sell a good range of veneered and laminate panels to joe public? Places like Latham have a very good selection from what I see but they only sell to "trade" and don't have great reviews.
The reason I ask, I am buying a house in which i plan to essentially do everything myself, like built-ins, kitchen, bathroom etc. For location, Im buying around the Salisbury area.
Thanks for reading
Are there any suppliers that sell a good range of veneered and laminate panels to joe public? Places like Latham have a very good selection from what I see but they only sell to "trade" and don't have great reviews.
The reason I ask, I am buying a house in which i plan to essentially do everything myself, like built-ins, kitchen, bathroom etc. For location, Im buying around the Salisbury area.
Thanks for reading