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Up to you, of course, but it does mean that you do miss some very good programmes from time to time

Same argument can be applied to any other source of news. You're still living in their reality.
The difference is, the Tv gives you one version of events so you only have one source.
Take the Ukraine war for example. If you only get your source of information from the TV, you won’t have a clue what’s actually going on. You’ll inly know what the government want’s you to think.
Being able to look online gives you a plethora of information, so you can be more informed.

Regarding tv shows, there’s so much content online I don’t have the time in the day to watch it all and I don’t see any shows like ‘Only Falls & Horses’, Absolutely Fabulous’ or ‘Black Adder’, coming back anytime soon.
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For any “live” channel with ads we intend to watch live, we still set the recorder going, and watch it from the recorder rather than real live. Then when the ads appear one can go and do something useful, and jump the ads. Most ofte we just start watching it about 10 minutes late, but then end watching the end about when the live version ends.
For any “live” channel with ads we intend to watch live, we still set the recorder going, and watch it from the recorder rather than real live. Then when the ads appear one can go and do something useful, and jump the ads. Most ofte we just start watching it about 10 minutes late, but then end watching the end about when the live version ends.
I go one step further, I have a Humax Foxsat HDR (With Raydons Custom Firmware) Record the programme, then copy it over to a PC on the LAN, top & tail and edit out the ad breaks, then re-encode with Handbrake to a custom size/format.

Sounds complicated and time consuming but actually isn't. The benefit being I have an archived copy for watching again that doesn't hog room on the Humax.
Regarding tv shows, there’s so much content online I don’t have the time in the day to watch it all and I don’t see any shows like ‘Only Falls & Horses’, Absolutely Fabulous’ or ‘Black Adder’, coming back anytime soon.
I agree with you there. 'Woke' has a lot to answer for.
The difference is, the Tv gives you one version of events so you only have one source.
Take the Ukraine war for example. If you only get your source of information from the TV, you won’t have a clue what’s actually going on. You’ll inly know what the government want’s you to think.
Being able to look online gives you a plethora of information, so you can be more informed.

Regarding tv shows, there’s so much content online I don’t have the time in the day to watch it all and I don’t see any shows like ‘Only Falls & Horses’, Absolutely Fabulous’ or ‘Black Adder’, coming back anytime soon.
I’m more inclined to place a modicum of faith in content from a regulated provider that the fantasist musings and deliberate miss directions that form the bulk of on-line content
It's nice to know "I've got the power", but it makes visits to Tesco difficult now,
I have the power to shop elsewhere and so have not used Tesco's for at least thirty years, just do not like there shops and they don't seem to have a place in the market anymore, you can get same quality elsewhere for less.

As for you tube it is just a joke, the adverts are absolutely killing it and making much content unwatchable. Anyone know of how to get the video's without all the shieete ?
I’m more inclined to place a modicum of faith in content from a regulated provider that the fantasist musings and deliberate miss directions that form the bulk of on-line content

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said ‘regulated’.
I have the power to shop elsewhere and so have not used Tesco's for at least thirty years, just do not like there shops ... you can get same quality elsewhere for less.
You don't like the shops, you can get the same quality cheaper elsewhere ................. and you haven't been there for thirty years. Right ................:ROFLMAO:
I have the power to shop elsewhere and so have not used Tesco's for at least thirty years, just do not like there shops and they don't seem to have a place in the market anymore, you can get same quality elsewhere for less.

As for you tube it is just a joke, the adverts are absolutely killing it and making much content unwatchable. Anyone know of how to get the video's without all the shieete ?
Adblocker (Ublock/Adblock) plugged in to your browser
Brave browser
Duck player (PC/Mac, not Ipad, I’ve found)
Alter the URL to yout-ube
Watch your regulars on Patreon

Or, as I have considered, pay for premium. Might be worth it, as I get lots of useful info from there. I just object to the aggressive increase in ads to force people to take it up.
I’m amazed so many people still watch ’tv’!
I stopped watching it nearly 20 years ago when youtube, live leak and putlocker came out.
I sometimes catch a glimpse of it now and then in passing and it depresses me almost instantly.

For me the TV is like the giant screen in 1984 and I detest the BBC. Not paying them to feed me utter lies, as they willingly and deliberately did in tbe build up to the Iraq war, was like being released from prison.

My mum still watches TV and then tells me things she sees and I usually have to say to her “but mum that’s not true, look here in ‘X’ this is the whole statement” or “here’s the full video” and it almost always completely changes her mind.
I’ve told her on several occasions “if you take your news from the TV, you aren’t living in reality, you’re living in their reality”.
Given the choice between X, Facebook, Instagram, other bits of social media and the BBC, I would go for the BBC every time.

They are not perfect, but are regulated and tend to work with objectivity to high standards. By contrast the other media are full of uncontrolled agendas, bias, political, racial and ethnic extremism.

Using other credible sources to confirm (or otherwise) BBC reporting is sensible. Echo chamber news is not news - it simply reinforces opinions whether justified by the facts or not.
We pay for the BBC through the licence fee (a tax) - discounted to £49 for black and white.

Commercial TV would not exist unless someone was prepared to pay for it. They generate income from advertising. Their goal is attracting the maximum number of viewers to ensure they can charge advertisers high rates. The are not charitable institutions!

The media landscape has changed over the last two decades - Netflix, Disney, Sky etc charge subscriptions many seem happy to pay to get the output they want - films, sport etc. Social media has also taken some of the marketing budgets previously enjoyed by TV.

Lower TV company revenues has obvious consequences - lower quality programming, lots of repeats, program policy determined by viewer figures not quality. Advertising reflects a viewer demographic which I suspect is different to that of forum members.

Reflect on the following as a viewer of TV programs - "If you are not paying for it, you are not the customer; you're the product being sold".
I have the power to shop elsewhere and so have not used Tesco's for at least thirty years, just do not like there shops and they don't seem to have a place in the market anymore, you can get same quality elsewhere for less.

As for you tube it is just a joke, the adverts are absolutely killing it and making much content unwatchable. Anyone know of how to get the video's without all the shieete ?

I watch a lot of youtube and went premium. It's worth it. To my understanding creators make more off their videos that way, and it means not sitting through ads.
Given the choice between X, Facebook, Instagram, other bits of social media and the BBC, I would go for the BBC every time.

They are not perfect, but are regulated and tend to work with objectivity to high standards. By contrast the other media are full of uncontrolled agendas, bias, political, racial and ethnic extremism.

Using other credible sources to confirm (or otherwise) BBC reporting is sensible. Echo chamber news is not news - it simply reinforces opinions whether justified by the facts or not.
The bigger problem is that online media is only interested in driving clicks from the viewer. No objectivity or balance considerations in there at all. Their algorithms are highly tuned to provide content that matches what you already viewed. If you watched a video that said Russia was right to invade Ukraine then you will continue to receive more videos that follow that same narrative. Very quickly you end up living in an echo chamber that simply keeps feeding you content that fits the world view you already hold. Search in the social media of your choice for Flat Earth and watch a couple of videos and very quickly your feed will fill with content proving the Earth is flat.

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