I have just loosened it! Miixture of one screw and one bolt and the extra leverage!
I also added a photo of my 'bolt a drill in a headstock' lathe which I have had for at least 15 years and never used until last week and my first and only bit of turning so far- how a little piece of wood taken from square to round can be as pleasing to me as this is ridiculous but I made a 'thing'- I was using some Silverline wood carving chisels(quite blunt even though brand new unused Chirstmas present from my wife a couple of years ago) and I very gingerley started wondering if a piece of wood would fly off in my face-found out the drill was on 'hammer' not 'drill' so took it out and pressed for drill action put it back and I could not get anywhere with it and realised when I was trying to put into drill from hammer when the drill was inverted I had put the drill in reverse!! Changed and then I was removing wood!
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