Hi all
Well, finally got around to making a plane cabinet as I was so fed up with having them in drawers, on shelves and on the workbench :roll: After a lot of research and once my jaw was re-located after seeing Chris waterhead's cabinet :shock: :shock: :shock: , I decided on a simply design in the same style as Philly's.
Initially I intended to add doors to carry chisels and marking kit but am now not so sure as I think they will take up too much space - thus I mounted the chisels inside. I think I'll make another small one with a saw till in it and a place to hold marking gear + hammer and mallet. Probably add a drawer to that one for spare plane irons etc.
95% (had to thickness it) of the work was hand tool as befits a hand tool storage unit
How long? Well, I thicknessed the wood 11 days ago and spent an hour every other evening on it as well as 3-4 hours each weekend day. Under 30 hours.
I pre-finished the pieces with Danish oil before glue-up for the first time ever and I like this approach - think I'll pre-finish much more often.
Construction is hand cut dovetails on the main case (I think hand cutting dovetails is the most fun you can have with wood - note to self, get out more) with the dividers being located with biscuits and screws through the back to allow me to change the configuration at a later date should, ahem, the need arise!!
I fixed it ot the wall with two french cleats.
Wood is some African Mahogany for the frame and Oak for the rest - just stuff that was lying around.
Work in progress shots are here to keep this thread as small as possible
Pictures worth a thousand words so......
Well, finally got around to making a plane cabinet as I was so fed up with having them in drawers, on shelves and on the workbench :roll: After a lot of research and once my jaw was re-located after seeing Chris waterhead's cabinet :shock: :shock: :shock: , I decided on a simply design in the same style as Philly's.
Initially I intended to add doors to carry chisels and marking kit but am now not so sure as I think they will take up too much space - thus I mounted the chisels inside. I think I'll make another small one with a saw till in it and a place to hold marking gear + hammer and mallet. Probably add a drawer to that one for spare plane irons etc.
95% (had to thickness it) of the work was hand tool as befits a hand tool storage unit
How long? Well, I thicknessed the wood 11 days ago and spent an hour every other evening on it as well as 3-4 hours each weekend day. Under 30 hours.
I pre-finished the pieces with Danish oil before glue-up for the first time ever and I like this approach - think I'll pre-finish much more often.
Construction is hand cut dovetails on the main case (I think hand cutting dovetails is the most fun you can have with wood - note to self, get out more) with the dividers being located with biscuits and screws through the back to allow me to change the configuration at a later date should, ahem, the need arise!!
I fixed it ot the wall with two french cleats.
Wood is some African Mahogany for the frame and Oak for the rest - just stuff that was lying around.
Work in progress shots are here to keep this thread as small as possible
Pictures worth a thousand words so......