IF it's any help at all, this design looks very much like a "Tool Makers Chest" that I inherited from my Dad when he died. I believe the basic design is quite common - the major difference I see between yours John and my Dad's (and several others I've seen) is that the top compartment does not have the 2 cantilever trays - just a deep open cavity for larger items. And the front panel (lockable on his) covers all the drawers when the chest is closed and drops down and "slides into the carcase" to make a small ledge to rest mics, etc, on when in use.
My Dad's is very battered and "one of these fine wet days" I'll get around to refurbishing it, including replacing all the green baize linings in the drawers and on the drop down.
Apparently tool makers and other precision fitters used them for storing delicate items such as micrometers, verniers, trammels, slip gauges, calipers, etc, etc.
I'm not sure what the wood is on my Dad's (a nice hard wood, maybe oak?) but I'm guessing he bought it in the 1920's/30's. It has a barely discernible Raybone Chesterman badge on it.
Some time ago when I was net surfing I found a site showing a company (US I seem to remember) which still makes them and refurbishes old ones. I also seem to recall that the company concerned makes them mainly for the high-precision tool companies such as Rabone, etc. Sorry, but I can't for the life of me remember what the site was called but I'm sure Google would help if you're interested.
I also seem to recall that in good condition these can fetch good money with collectors.
Yours will obviously become a family heirloom, just like I regard my Dad's.
Very nice looking design. Sorry I haven't a clue about the software (ANY software actually :roll: ) but wish you all the best with it, it looks lovely.