Those members here who have bothered to follow my meanderings over the years know that I live in a timber house, AKA a garden shed!
The basic structure is 32ft long x 16ft wide. 4 X 2 timber frames, 1/2 inch plaster board interior and feather edge (clapboard) exterior. The roof was close boarded then hot felted before covering with corrugated asbestos cement sheets, most of which has now been replaced with rubber sheet.
The house was built in Canada in 1938 then used here as POW accommodation till being moved to its present site in 1952, since when it has been considerably extended and modernised. We moved here in '99 and the major difficulty we have faced with improvements is obtaining professional help, there isn't any!
For example, due to my age I would be entitled to help with cavity wall insulation, no chance! No national company will even consider the job, so for the last fortnight I have been stuffing the cavity with Warmcel paper insulation. Then arose the question, do I need a vapour barrier?
The Net has been a God send as most of my problems have been faced in the States and Canada, in some cases we have simply had to try something and see what happens.
So where is all this heading?
Here! ... qg&cad=rja
If anyone in the future is interested I'll let you know how it performs as I start in a few days time.
The basic structure is 32ft long x 16ft wide. 4 X 2 timber frames, 1/2 inch plaster board interior and feather edge (clapboard) exterior. The roof was close boarded then hot felted before covering with corrugated asbestos cement sheets, most of which has now been replaced with rubber sheet.
The house was built in Canada in 1938 then used here as POW accommodation till being moved to its present site in 1952, since when it has been considerably extended and modernised. We moved here in '99 and the major difficulty we have faced with improvements is obtaining professional help, there isn't any!
For example, due to my age I would be entitled to help with cavity wall insulation, no chance! No national company will even consider the job, so for the last fortnight I have been stuffing the cavity with Warmcel paper insulation. Then arose the question, do I need a vapour barrier?
The Net has been a God send as most of my problems have been faced in the States and Canada, in some cases we have simply had to try something and see what happens.
So where is all this heading?
Here! ... qg&cad=rja
If anyone in the future is interested I'll let you know how it performs as I start in a few days time.